"One Danish Viking, one Chinese Girl.....one unforgetable love story...."
Now this isnt anything about mine at all, too bad...! But it is as loud as the title screams...and its sooo big i have to post this first rather than my unforgetable trip to Berlin last weekend! The question here is, what do you get when a land of fairytales combines with 'Boleh'(can)Land?
The Most Beautiful Love Story....
"....dear close ones, here is a little story about my so-called-life in the land of fairy tales and hotdogs...
It was a nice Thursday afternoon when me and my teammates went to a big park call Dyrehaven - literally animal-park - 15km away from Copenhagen city center and where animals (duh) like deers roam freely. We were there that afternoon, on June 1st, because we had been planning to have some activities around integration, especially since we are having internationals in a Danish team (me lah).
The weather was fairly good (in Denmark we always refer to the weather) and we had some nice walks and discussion around stereotypes, cultures, and so on. We were there from 2pm and agreed to leave the park around 5-6pm because some of us have other appointments during the evening. Such as me for example. Me and Rolf were going to have our 2nd anniversary in a nice expensive seafood boat-restaurant, which we had booked a table for 7pm. So yeah, it was urgent for people like me to finish on time.
Before that little voice in your head starts going " why the heck is she telling us this?", just read along and trust that I never do things without a reason.
As we were starting our last game at around 6pm, I was getting a bit nervy. We still had to play a game of trust - really simple and basic one, where a person is blindfolded and led by another. So I was one of the blindfolded ones as one of the girls in my team started leading me around the park. After walking for awhile, we reached a spot where I was told to be quiet and wait, as something will be happening within a few seconds. Being the mischevious and impatient one I, naturally, started singing out loud and even outdoing Cartmen's (Southpark) rendition of O'Holy Night. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands holding my shoulders and slowly turning me around. The hands continue to untie my blindfold as I nonchalantly thought out loud that it's about time. Just then, I realised that the person standing in front of my was wayyyyy out of context. Totally. I mean, this person was not suppose to be in this context, in the park, in the game.
It was Rolf.
For some reasons that I couldn't comprehend at that point of time, Rolf was actually standing in front of me, in this park 15km away from home, during my office hour, while I'm still having activities with my team mates. So for a minute there, I was a bit thrown aback as to how in the world did he get there. I mean, it wasn't a "hey, I was just passing by and wanted to say hi" situation. But the weirdest thing has yet to hit me.
Rolf started talking. At first he started talking about how we first met and his impressions of me as time went along. How we became a couple and the time that we have been together. You know, those stuff. And then there was this strange voice in me that suddenly started going: wait a minute....wait a minute...wait a minute. Yeah, you get the point. This voice went on and on for the next few minutes as Rolf continue accounting our relationship in chronological order (yes, I'm a very pragmatic person and I think in logic). Then as if by enligtenment, it suddenly hit me.
Well of course, how wonderfully romantic my boyfriend is! He decided to make a surprise for me on our 2nd anniversary by coming all the way out here to this park. That was really nice. What was not so nice was that I didn't realised that the real "surprise" has yet to come. And boy...what a surprise it was.
As much as I thought things were really nice and romantic, but somehow in my intuitive mind, I knew that something was not that right. As in, I wasn't getting the whole context of things yet. There was something else that I didn't know. All these were the thoughts running through my head then in miliseconds as things happened really fast - yet slow at the same time - you know that feeling?
Time seems to roll a bit slower as I saw in slow motion how Rolf went down onto one of his knee. And in some strange way - I felt like I needed a reality check...real bad. I need to check for sure that it was Rolf; my boyfriend who is suppose to be at home waiting for me to come back and get ready for our dinner, who was really here. I needed to double check again that it was really Rolf and that it was really him who was kneeling in front of me and saying the words that I've never heard spoken to me in my life.
Will you marry me, question mark.
Rolf continues to produce what looks like a ring box...
me: Wait a minute....wait minute....(thinking: Is that a ring? Shit! It is a ring...no, TWO rings! oh man...)
(Rolf looking even more determine)
(Me sounding exasperated) What is this?! What are you doing here? I'm suppose to meet you home in around 30mins! What are you doing here? Wait a minute...(thinks for a very long time)...do I have to answer this now?
(Rolf probably thinking "duh"...) Yes.
me: maybe we should go back to the others. They're probably waiting for us (looking around exasperately).
Rolf: don't worry, they know we're here.
me: what?! they know?! who knows?! how many people know???
Rolf: only the twins (the girls in my team). They were the one who helped me set up this whole thing.
me: how long have you been planning this?
.......5 minutes later.....
me: ok, wait a minute (note: most over-used phrase of the day), it's not like we have to get married now right? Wait a minute, when do you suppose we are going to get married anyway?
rolf: in one years time maybe (seeing the look on my face)...maybe two. Doesn't really matter now, but yeah.
me: yeah that's right. It's just an engagement right...(thoughts flashes through my mind)...oh no, then I'm going to so old. I will be in another category. I will become old. I'm not old yet...geez, I haven't even reach my 1/4 century yet.
............2minutes later.....
me: (quietly) Yes, of course.
Rolf: yes what?
me:(smiles) yes of course lah, I will marry you. This is so surreal. I need a reality check. Umm...do I have to wear this ring now?
Rolf: (smiles) of course lah. (Gently slipping the ring onto my finger)
So, after a very surreal discussion and agreement with Rolf, we finally head back to join my team mates. They were already waiting with their cameras and cheering when they saw us. One even mentioned that they were getting a bit worried when it took so long. Rolf had actually also prepared a picnic basket full of grapes, strawberries, and cherries, and of course, a bottle of champagne - the sweetest one so that I can tolerate some. As we sat there celebrating with my team mates (6 of us) on top of the hill in the park for the next 20mins or so, I still couldn't believe what has just happened and was desperately asking for some sort of reality check in the form of a movie like X-men or something....
But lo and behold...that was just the beginning. Suddenly Rolf said it was time. Time for what, I thought. Then he slowly led me down the hill and there I saw - waiting for us was a horse carriage pulled by a magnificent White Horse. It just had to be white to complete the whole fairy tale. Me and Rolf were going to take a ride around the whole park in the carriage. So, there I was, with a ring on my finger, in a carriage pulled by a white horse, next to my newly engaged fiance.
Ha-ha. Whoa. Somebody, give me a reality check please. I'm not really old yet...am I?
If you're wondering, we did went for the seafood dinner. Despite being 1 hour behind schedule, the dinner was still divine and above expectations - including cost. But it was such a wonderful dinner. Being on a boat, we could see along the harbour and how buidling lights lit up the both the evening sky and the creases of the water below us. It was nearly 11pm when we finally left, but as summer was approaching, we were still able to catch a bit of a sunset. It was one of my most beautiful sunset...."
Maybe it was because i was damn tired, or because of the accumulative stress for the day...but i was crying right in the middle of the mail! Or maybe its because i saw this very relationship developed right before my very eyes! After reading the mail, i composed myself (so that i dont sound like a sissy!) and called the both of them immediately to congratulate them!
RenBin gave me the green light for me to credit the existence of this relationship...nah, i merely 'facilitated' it...hahaha, seeing that i was the chairing a little conference which the both of them were facilitators!