4++am: "Shit…so bright!! Didn't my alarm ring?" Checked my clock, and its only 4plus! Nah beh…sun come up so early ah? And the other day, the sun set only at 9++pm! And still wanna hold my pee!
5.30am : $%§"$!%
Ok so I didn't really slept well. But was actually excited over this 2 nd day of induction. I get to follow a postman to his job! Man, too bad they have to get up so damn early…but hey, these guys finish by noon!
7am : Arrived at the mailing hub, and was introduced to the manager there. Was brought round for a quick tour and was very impressed with the Stamping Centre. Not only do they have really special stamps (if you re a stamp collector, that place would ve been heaven!), but they have a special cancellation chop for each unique stamps! Ok no use talking bout it…

8am : Ok, met with the postman who is gonna lead me and Sandra (we had to be in partners, guess who I chose NOT to be with). Seems nice…although I know deep down he is probably thinking we´re some young farts konon la wanna learn bout the business from the bottom up.

11am : My feet hurts, my leg hurts, I was dead tired….thirsty…wander how Mr Postman do it every day!! Even when it snows! Respek!
Luckily for me, Sandra also feels totally worn out! And luckily also we finish at 11! So we re done…and we re headed back to the main hub. Upon reaching there…my oh my…all the Indians were already sitting down and resting their butts! Shit…they were so much more earlier! One part of me really thought they skipped their thing…but lets not be bad!
While on the way to our van…I was making some small talks with one of the Indians, asking how was their day.
Indian MBA: Very good…although I wished they would have given US some bicycles to ride on or something while following them.
Me: (Keh si la de!! KNN!)
2pm : So we finally were done with the induction. Had lunch in the towers cafeteria…which by the way is like a dream cafeteria! So freakin huge…and it was like my first time in McD´s or something! The food…drinks…desserts…gosh how the hell to lose weight la! You take as much as you want, and you pay per meal! Siao man…and on top of that…I finally met my match…the foot long sausage!
Before I knew it I was staring at the food…best giler!
I staffed my plate with heaps of fries, some chap and breast meat (felt like going chicken that day).
After lunch, Sandra said she would be leaving for home! Wahlau… can leave work already! Best…I also join!
I was already dead tired…feet all hurting…and I really wanna sleep!
But then had to meet Carl, my AIESEC buddy to settle some admin stuff! Shit…
6pm : I finally reach home…and yes…I hit bed at half past 6 . And decided to just hibernate…!
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