Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The person that brought me to Bonn...

Its funny how things work out. How you actually get somewhere always depend on who you meet, how big is your network, how wide open your opportunities are, how your personality is etc.

My journey from Klang circa 2001 was usually coloured with occasional trips to Johor, Langkawi and even Singapore. Upon getting a place in uni...i explored more of PJ, KL...yeah also Klang. Upon joining AIESEC, now thats where the dream to explore really took off! I began going to different universities in different states (yayy). Such was the highlight of my "travels"!

But in came 2004, and thanks to opportunities in AIESEC i got to go Taiwan (horny chicks, really good looking too), Germany (first international conference, right after Taiwan, which then brought me to Amsterdam and Brussels), Bangladesh (yawwnn) and then India (got to see one of the wonders of the world...and literally Touched / Taj Mahal). After that, i knew i want to get out of Boleh-land and do a traineeship, one which will open doors for my career.

All of my friends, in and out of AIESEC knew of that plan. But few really went all the way to make sure i do! The person that made my opportunity in Bonn possible...and was always the reason why she is the NUMBER ONE person i want to see in Bonn, happens to be Monika.

Had the chance to work for her when i was in AIESEC, although with her being the Boss of 80++ people holding the People Development portfolio, was sure she wasnt able to remember me, despite shaking hands, introductions and all back in Germany in 2004. Luckily had the chance to work with her while in Bangladesh! From there on...we became instant buddies!

Knowing my frustrations of not getting any traineeships yet, she was very keen in helping me out! At 3 mails were sent to me, all stating different jobs...but the third and last one was where i got introduced to the job opening which i am currently occupying now. The effort and time she put in...i totally owed it to her for my opportunity in Bonn.

(clarification: Its not that she passed my interview or what, but merely introduced me the job opening)

So i finally meet her...full week after arriving. Really super! And we did do some catching up...also with the 2nd most wanted to see person in Bonn, Amit. Awesome feeling after all those times thinking when else we would meet...finally right here...in Bonn.

So this is to lovely Monika...and she´s lovely too!


IMG_0006 Bon and Mon in Bonn...

IMG_0011 My two most important people in Bonn

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