Friday, July 07, 2006

Portuguese Tart is back!!

Ok before anyone decide to think that i am one of those "hot like chicken shit" (hangat hangat tahi ayam) type when it comes to bloggin and decide to not check my site anymore, hold on to your mouse! Was really busy heading towards the end of June as i had to organize a major event. It was the Networking Event between the MBA Interns (of which i am coordinator for the program), managers and HR which was also a matter of do or die mission for me (i really thought i would be the first trainee fired if the event sucks). And because of this i also wasnt able to really experience the little football competition which ironically is organized here in Germany (ok i sound like i dont know nuts bout football).

Anyways more about the event and also the World Cup later, but i have a pretty cool entry about my trip to Berlin, with heaps of pics in it as well in a new link. This new site is simply awesome, especially the ease of putting up pics, videos (i ve got to learn that though) and acts more than just a blogging site. Importantly, this one is developed by brilliant people in MALAYSIA!!! Now thats reasons to screaming "Malaysia Boleh!!!" rather than doing it when people start making the longest poh piah, biggest roti canai etc...

Developed by the innovative minds at MindValley Labs, its BlinkLife ( and its a super cool way of keeping in touch! Like what the website boasts, its gonna be the next generation of Emails! Its capacity humbles even Google mail (think its over 100gigs), spam free plus you re able to send pics and videos simply by uploading it to your own site, without attaching anything! This reason alone is why i shift major posts (which has heaps of pics and videos) to this site. So check it out at

And additional info about this company, which is AIESEC that they have definitely set the benchmark in terms of being a QUALITY customer of the AIESEC Internship program! Set up by a former LCP in the States, they are dedicated in bringing in top quality interns from all over the world, provides them with top notch working conditions and really treats the interns as part of their small family! Definitely a pleasure knowing many people there, and no....i am not expecting any cheque from the MindValley Labs Finance dept for this mini promotion. *winks* Its the least i could do... ;)

But stay tuned here...think blogspot will serve as my primary blogging tool for the time being.