Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Portuguese Tart's travelogy

I think some of you know that I am a travel freak, and that I specifically focused my traineeship location to be in only a few countries within Europe (believe me, I’ve got a lot of stick for that before...). Combine those two together, and this explains why now that I ve arrived here, I made a promise to myself to be a ‘travel-whore’; traveling to somewhere new each month, budget permitting of course!

Now that it has been 2 months and 2 weeks into my adventure, lets recap the major destinations I ve been to. Note: Specially to Iluvtina…if you want to continue our lovely friendship, perhaps reading this is not advisable.

First trip, June 2nd- 5th: The supposed budget friendly and unforgettably wild experience that was the trip to Berlin. Turns out I would blow my return back by missing my train and buying another freaking one way ticket home that cost me nearly 50 euros!

Second trip, July 13th-16th: The recent trip to Rotterdam proved that AI Transition parties are what it has always been…a bit on the boring side, unless you re catching up with long lost friends. Awesome in the networking part, lets not forget the mini Malaysian Reunion! Surprisingly I got a bit tanned after this trip. And big thanks to Eva for allowing me to travel on dept budget and at first class…best giler!

Now apparently I have in store my destinations for the next months (or just for August only)

Mid August, I would play guest to Eric in Leuven, Belgium. There would be some kind of a huge festival happening there and I think I might even take the chance to organize some kind of huge trainee outing, just to show that saya ada guna jugak lah, bukan cuma muka hensem saja! And as Eric is also like me, whose good looking housemates are the reflections our mirrors, I think he would appreciate a big crowd coming over as well (he hasn’t known of this plan yet as of writing…oh btw, its his birthday too. Note to self, wish Eric). And I think organizing a trainee outing is simple…just delegate!

Now here is the next big outing…happening one week after the Belgium trip. And a big big big thanks for Eva and her successor (my new Brasilian buddy, Segala), for pushing my involvement in this. You see, as these guys are coordinators to the AIESEC cause for our company, it means they have a huge role to play in AIESEC’s biggest international conference, International Congress (IC). But Eva had a scheming way to bring the non AIESEC coordinator that is me…get me to do the re-launch of the partnership (a big slot witnessed by the global plenary of over 600 people)! So spent about a day (1 hour I think) doing a precise plan, crazy ideas and voila, I have the re-launch plan. Then, they proposed the whole of their plans for IC, a chunk of it was on my planning of the re-launch…which obviously got questioned by our boss. Well, I have to hand it to Eva and Segala’s charm…they managed to convince my boss that I could be there and still come back to work as well…so to cut the long story short, Portuguese-Tart is going to Poland for IC!! Plus Malaysians don’t need a visa to get in!

I have to give it to them, especially the way they pulled a prank on me by saying I wont be making it.

After their proposal meet with boss…

Segala: I think you have to pass me all your plans and proposal…
Portuguese-tart: What plans?
Segala: Your plans for IC…
Portuguese-tart: (hmmm, this is about IC. Now, if I knew that my buddy would be going…what would I do? I’ll play a prank and say he wont be going! Lets hope this works…I ll just play along) Ohh…ok. I ll just mail the proposal to you then (in a nonchalant manner, but showing a slight 10cents @ sad face).

I could then see the sparkle in their eyes already, and I was pretty sure I was right!

Segala: Man…I am good! See what a good liar I am! You re coming to IC dude!
Portuguese-tart: Oh my gawd!!! (faking it…but trying hard not to show it…but also really happy too about the good news) You guys just made my weekend! Thank you soooo much!!!

Well, this is awesome nevertheless! I hope I really get to go (not sure yet till i really see my ticket!)…it ll be great fun for the team of coordinators! I ll be meeting Elias (the coordinator for Americas working in Miami) again, of which I had great fun with! So with 2 Brazilians, Sandra, me and a German girl representing the Asia Pacific (??!!), this is one ‘working trip’ which I cant wait to go! The boss is always questioning why some projects we need to involve all the coordinators in the team, especially the Bonn Team. Boss always say “I don’t want it to be seen as a dept holiday trip / dept fun thing”. She said this of my huge networking event which I organized too…despite agreeing we re working on it together. But I think this really helps in getting us connected, and especially working on big events / projects…it definitely puts in the synergy of a multi national team which definitely turns me of…professionally of course! Plus it does potray an image of a team within the same dept that can be efficient, energetic and always emphasising on results...something which Boss, you could be proud off :)

So…with regards to Intl Congress, back in 2004 I was a delegate (of which I am still thankful for my National Committee team that sacrificed 2 or 3 non participating members) in Hanover, Germany.

IMG_0056 The Malaysia Boleh delegation

IMG_0134 Thats about 500++ delegates

IMG_0189 When in Germany eat what the Germans eat.

Then in 2005, I was the facilitator at the conference…with the Taj Mahal as the backdrop.

IMG_0067 Global Village with the Taj at the background

Team Malaysia with the fruit of our labor, i wished all my team mates were there. Tears of joy...

IMG_0021 Moment of jubilation...AIESEC in Malaysia winning the UBS Excellence Award Asia Pacific region

IMG_0074 Sunrise at one of the 7 Wonders of the World

IMG_0064 Touch Mahal

IMG_0066 All is serene at the Taj.

Now…in 2006, while in my internship with AIESEC’s biggest partner in Germany (and some say globally), I get to participate as a partner of the organization, planning the re-launch of the partnership! 3 years of being in the biggest international conference of AIESEC, 3 different roles, 3 different countries…thanks a lot! My stars are pretty aligned and luck is shining on me!

Portuguese Tart's travelogy has only just begun...join me to see the world!