Only recently i begun wearing my yellow band for cancer awareness which i thought i lost it here in Bonn. As much as i am big on advocating HIV/AIDS awareness as well, on a personal level this disease have affected me emotionally many times...some going wayyy back when i was in primary school. I think the last count of family members that passed away from the dreaded 'C' was 8 or 9.
Throughout my time in Germany, i have only seen Jenny 'Chinita' Lee wearing it religiously, although hers differ from mine (my msg says "Celebrate Life", its the Malaysian Cancer Society version vs Jens original "Livestrong" one). For those not in t

Anyways it was just this Monday me and Jen were having a discussion about cancer, how it affected us and who did it effect. The following day at work...while checking my mails, there was a mail through our AIESEC Malaysia community announcing the demise of one of its member. As heart wrenching as it is to realise the reality of such news...its even worst when you actually know this person very well! She was from the LC which me and my MC team helped form.
Turns out the cause of death was OVARIAN CANCER... the girl, a charming, lovely person, a passionate AIESEC member and very bright kid...i dont think she was even 20 yet. I always remembered as someone inquisitive, always asking questions relevant to AIESEC nonetheless. Shocked...disbelief...a moment of emptiness...stunned...
My condolences to her family, friends and all members of Taylor's Business School Local Committee. Stay strong...live strong...the passing of someone dear just reemphasises the message for us to celebrate life, and to celebrate the life of Rosline Lam.
You ll be remembered Rosline...rest in peace.

Then there was another shocking news from Eric, who told me the trainee he was closed with in his company who only recently returned to his country....met with an accident and passed away. He was obviously too distraught to even talk to me about it. I can imagine...i would be devastated the same knowing the trainee friends whom i grown to be sooo close with were to encounter the same fate.
And no...it wouldnt stop there. Until recently my MC team have not really been in the loop in terms of communication...and with my latest initiative of sending mails to everyone in the team, i would expect at least some nostalgia to follow suit in terms of all of us communicating once again, what with each and everyone of us leading different and separate lives. I wouldnt have imagined a reply from Anisha to include another passing of a dear friend.
This is by far the worst one to hit me...as this woman was not only a dear friend, but a fighter and champion of the HIV/AIDS awareness cause. She pioneereed the idea of having a shelter for women and children with HIV/AIDS, or orphaned because of it...and thus Rumah WAKE (Wanita & Kesihatan...Women & Health) was born. She fought for government support financially, and through corporate support as well. That was the point of first contact for me, during my stint with AIESEC and Standard Chartered Bank's Corp Affairs Dept, when we were championing a HIV/AIDS project together. She was a very dedicated women who knows the dirty business of HIV/AIDS awareness, the politics surrounding it...and a very direct, in your face person. I got really fond of her, and we kept in touch through sms throughout the time till i left the bank and AIESEC even. Malaysia has lost a very charismatic champion of HIV/AIDS...i have lost a dear friend in her...gosh Catherine, i cant believe you re not around anymore. I wish that Rumah Wake will continue its cause and support of the victims...i wish that Catherines soul and cause will not be lost...i wish life wont be too cruel to take away people who had a reason to live...
Rest in peace Catherine...I ll never forget you.
Its just another reminder that life is short...and be it in my life here in Bonn, or Malaysia...i ll always wanna live it to the fullest.
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