It has always been the highlight of trainees past and present (the ones that stayed longer) and one never fails to hear of this persons experience or that persons experience during SOMMERFEST.
Well, the publicity of this years event had begun nearly a month ago…and finally it has arrived!
Held last Thursday (14th Sept) from 3pm…offices were already empty from lunch time onwards. But as the coordinators need to prepare a VERY IMPORTANT PRESENTATION to the new Head of Dept the very next day at 10am, we know we had to finish heaps of work plus not staying till reaaalllyy late!
As the promotion went;
- breaking of the keg by the CEO at 3.45pm
- drinks and food at very low price (1 euro for all)
- live performances
- 8pm, mega disco by DJ Bjorn
The moment they saw that they had to pay…everyone went up in arms! “It has been FREE all the while, so doesn’t mean if the company is on a major budget cut across all depts., doesn’t mean Sommerfest had to be spoilt!!”…echoed all employees.
Well I think if you would want to know the effectiveness of a “workers council”…this was one thing you wouldn’t want them to go on strike for! So after about 3 weeks of promotions, they had to do a whole lot of new posters to promote the fact that…
“Food and drink for FREE”
Well we were a bit skeptical over the singular usage rather than the plural of “drink”, but anyways we were all happy nevertheless.
Party was in full swing from 3pm onwards…but before I left the Tower I saw a spot where they were giving FREE haircuts and styling! Being the Asian (or Malaysian) that I am…I quickly rushed and lined up for my free hair do! To complete the Asian lineup and proof that the event would be an Asian haven (since everything is FREE), Amit, Jennie Lee, a few Chinese as well as a UK born Chinese was lining up as well!
The result was a funky hairdo that is so unPortuguese Tart, plus a 45° angle Mohawk on Amit that’s not even on top of his head!
We nevertheless had fun watching our gay hair dresser cutting our hair. It was sure as thrilling as it was for us as it was for him to creatively redesign our tresses!
New hairdo, a few touchups for vanity sake in front of the mirror, more photoshoots and more free stuffs (shampoos and wax) later…we were ready to go out! Oh yeah…apparently we both agreed (and the others who had their hair cut) that getting a new look was far more important than seeing the event being officially opened by our CEO! And already people were calling me “AstroBoy”!!
There were heaps of tents, serving traditional German food, alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages, game booths and many more!! Its not that I savored all the really nice food…but I was savoring the fact that it was all FREE!! Yummy…
Really cool event, plus the fact that all trainees were there hanging out, we even brought some illegal ones in (read: Dee)!
The guys and me were literally stunned with the huge amount of gorgeous looking things which we never have met before! Even the canteen girl looked uber hot!! She actually had her hair made plus went for the free make up as well… a real life Cinderella!
The “mega disco” which followed during the night wasn’t a disappointment either, although the music choice was a little too lousy! I guess for some it was a bit weird seeing colleagues whom you ve never seen away from the office really partying like mad! Some was still in their suits on the dance floor!! You know when the alcohol and wine is FREE you’d expect this to happen! We were busy spotting if the CEO would be on the dance floor though! Super awesome time…but it had to end before midnight as me and the coordinators got some presentations the next day.
Cool thing about having events like this on a Thursday, it just compliments the Friday Feeling…where there is no mood to work, come in with a hangover, or leaving before lunch!
What about the was POSTPONED to the following week! KNNCCB!!

And speaking of Fest’s…
It is known as the LARGEST PEOPLE’S FAIR IN THE WORLD, with over 6 million people visiting it!
30% of the year's production of beer by Munich breweries will be consumed in the two weeks of celebration.
12,000 People are employed, of these, 1600 are waitresses (75% are C cups and above)
There is available seating for 100,000 people.
6 million mugs of beer was sold in 2005 (5.5 million in 2004) alone…
Roasted oxen: 88
Sausages: 219,443 pairs
Roast chickens: 459,279
Yup…after work today, along with 20other trainees, we re heading to Munich for OCTOBERFEST!!! Well, to celebrate the occasion, I would actually DRINK THE BEER there! A once in a lifetime opportunity and much to the envy of my beer drinking Malaysian friends…I would be there!
Come what may…sober or drunk, you ll be posted!
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