Minitarts - This just mum STILL suspects that I am GAY! She thinks that my break up with my long time girlfriend just in time before leaving for Germany was proof of my own "sandiwara" (means along the lines of play acting) therefore my liberation in Germany would be my huge closet to come out!! Sigh...even to make the suspicion more obvious: My aunt seeing me in Brussels with BOOTS and a slightly tight jacket...!! HELLO!!! They oughta be more fashion conscious la...maybe a little lesson on fashion here (although more on guys fashion should be well worth it, at least i dont have to consult my Petaling Street fashion consultant) would help!
Sheer joy and delight of the SNOW VIRGIN!
Okie the last time was a major faux pas...well it was DANDRUFF as far i as i know for the last time! And i thought fate would really deal me a cruel twist, since i missed the ONLY HEAVY SNOW MOMENT (read: not STORM) on the Friday which I was in Amsterdam with the Malaysians and Pet...but turns out fate was just teasing me!
It snowed sooo heavily for a few hours in Bonn last night, in fact MUCH MORE than that Friday which i missed...i got soooo excited that i had pictures and VIDEO to proof! It was sooo cool, amazing and GORGEOUS even!
Was with the Portuguese speaking crowd watching the Portuguese speaking footie friendly at a Portuguese bar between Portugal and Brazil ( in Portugal...beat Brazil!!!), as we were about to arrive to the place...we saw snow while in the bus! I was literally jumping around and sticking my tongue out like a JAKUN (err...lets just put it as LOSER), and if it wasnt for the still visible concrete on the sideways, i would just JUMP on my back and do a snow angel!
Well, so whats it like??
Snow is like how it is when its FAKE...its like SHAVED ICE, of different shapes and sizes...but heavy enough to drop and not float! Well at least for this one which I saw!
And its COLD (duhhh!), plus its WET (double duhhh!).... ok remember i have NOT seen snow, so one can be forgiven for this random moment of pure joy!
And yes...with the street lights emiting to set a droopy background...heavy snow drops (i still wander why they call it SNOW FLAKES when it clearly is as rough and unFLAKY as SHAVED ICE!) does present a very nice, ROMANTIC setting! Awww...makes me just wanna grab the next hottie Portuguese chick in the place and give her my first snow kiss!

You ve gotta leave your mark!

The rather romantic setting...
This is actually just in front of my block...yup in the Bronx of Bonn, Tannenbusch!! Suddenly it looked rather...oh no...GOD FORBID...NICE!
Leaving my footprints behind...