Mini Tarts: Below is the speech I wrote (plagiarized too) for the wedding. As the wedding was void of any religious or spiritual elements, I was given the honor to live out my once in a lifetime fantasy of being a priest/minister, by preciding the union of both my good friends, RenBin and Rolf. Symbolically, they changed their last names to LeeDixon. Congratulations newly weds!
My name is Bonnie and I am proud to be given this honor to precide over this beautiful wedding.
From the PAST;
The past also brings us to Denmark, the land of serenity and fairytales. And the fairytale continues with a deep, profound respect for each other, while breaking down cultural divides and sacrifises made, their love and passion grew till the day a question of lifelong commitment was asked 1 year ago to this date.
Which brings us to the PRESENT;
And through this commitment made today, Rolf and Bin now desire to profess before us all, their special guests, of their intentions to take the journey of life, heading to the FUTURE together...fuelled by dedication, love, joy and lots of laughter.

Through football our friendship started
AIESEC activities, he's very dedicated
Outgoing, helpful, wise and very driven
He often never expects anything in return

Since they met, she captured his heart
From that day on they never part
On this day their union is best acclaimed
From the moment they changed their family name
I am glad and proud to play a small part
Of how this fairytale begin to start
It has finally come to this very day
'I DO' is all thats left to say"

The Introduction of Wedding Vows
...we now proceed to the next part of the ceremony. The time has come for Rolf and Bin to exchange wedding vows.
Dear guests, we are now priviledged to participate and witness the public acknowledgement of bth Rolf's and Bin's love for one another. Lets hear their dedications before us all. I would like to invite the groom to proceed first, followed by his beautiful bride.
May Rolf and Bin keep the vows made between them on this day. And to solemnize their profession of love for one another and to declare their union, we proceed to the witnessing the exchange of rings.
Exchanging of Wedding Rings
Deeply seeped in tradition, this circlet of precious metal is justly regarded as a fitting emblem of the purity and perpetuity of the union of two souls. We are reminded that the ring represents the circle of eternity, fashhioned as to have neither beginning nor end. Let it serve the meaning of this partnership to bring the both of you closer together and to last forever.
We are also reminded that the precious stones are so incorruptable that it cannot be tarnished by use or time. Then let this mean that the love of Rolf and Bin be incorruptable in its purity and will remain as precious as always. I would like to invite the best man to deliver the rings.
As the rings have been placed, the vows have been declared, thus this union have been solemnized. May Rolf and Bin find happiness through this union, may they live faithfully together, may they remain ever loving and compassionate and may their journey be filled with the joys of life. Let it be known that a relationship isnt counted by the number of years shared, but the number of times you laughed, kissed and embraced together.
Now through the responsibility vested in me, I stand before your family and your close friends to (it was here that the generator died...leaving an eerie silence without music to accompany the last moment)...
I now pronouce you HUSBAND & WIFE. You may both kiss..."
The Introduction of the Ceremony and Couple
"Blessed with an amazing weather, a beautiful scenery, a dashing prince and a gorgeous princess...not to mention some kids making some noise in the background, welcome to this wonderful fairytale. We are gathered here today to participate in the most time honored celebration of the human family, uniting a woman and man in marriage.
We are priviledged to witness the union of two beautiful and wonderful people, Rolf and RenBin, through their very own unique celebration and public acknowledgement of a love they have for each other.
On this day you are specially invited so that Rolf and Bin would be able to share with us of their journey from PAST, to the PRESENT and to the FUTURE.
From the PAST;
It was three years ago from this date, their passion and love started and brought them together, along with hopes and dreams shared. The location was Malaysia, the land where its beautiful and exotic, where it is a potpourri of cultures and traditions, where the modern urban blends with traditional rural...and apparently where the Danish men steal our women!
The past also brings us to Denmark, the land of serenity and fairytales. And the fairytale continues with a deep, profound respect for each other, while breaking down cultural divides and sacrifises made, their love and passion grew till the day a question of lifelong commitment was asked 1 year ago to this date.
Which brings us to the PRESENT;
As we come together on this day, Rolf and Bin wishes to project a unique celebration which is simple yet oozes charm and elegance with their closest few; their family and good friends. They also wished for this celebration to be void of religious and spiritual elements as Rolf and Bin envisioned a ceremony that brings the truest meaning of what a wedding is indeed all about; the union of two souls, the coming together of two individuals, whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one.
It is through this union they both perform an act of faith. This faith can grow and develop and last, only if Rolf and Bin both decide to make it so, and not guaranteed by any religious or spiritual ritual.
And through this commitment made today, Rolf and Bin now desire to profess before us all, their special guests, of their intentions to take the journey of life, heading to the FUTURE together...fuelled by dedication, love, joy and lots of laughter.
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce the King and Queen of the day, expressed in a way which the both of them know I do best, through a poem. It may be from a personal point of view, but I am sure you will agree on some points.
" Words are hard to describe who is she
Thats Bin to you and me
Smart, sarcastic, sweet and even strict
Echoes all in country and district

I know her back then in 2002
From uni mates, AIESEC colleagues, even the same classes too
Through common interests in humor, food and trends
It was how we became the best of friends
She longed to be a film and fashion critic
She ought to open a cinema or a boutique
I knew she was unique with her fashion back then
Remember her strange, fringe only blonde strands?
Thats Bin to you and me
Smart, sarcastic, sweet and even strict
Echoes all in country and district

I know her back then in 2002
From uni mates, AIESEC colleagues, even the same classes too
Through common interests in humor, food and trends
It was how we became the best of friends
She longed to be a film and fashion critic
She ought to open a cinema or a boutique
I knew she was unique with her fashion back then
Remember her strange, fringe only blonde strands?
The girls (and some guys) fell immediately under his spell
Us guys thought he was such a thorn
Cuz the girls were always curious abut his horn
Us guys thought he was such a thorn
Cuz the girls were always curious abut his horn

Through football our friendship started
AIESEC activities, he's very dedicated
Outgoing, helpful, wise and very driven
He often never expects anything in return

Since they met, she captured his heart
From that day on they never part
On this day their union is best acclaimed
From the moment they changed their family name
I am glad and proud to play a small part
Of how this fairytale begin to start
It has finally come to this very day
'I DO' is all thats left to say"

The Introduction of Wedding Vows
...we now proceed to the next part of the ceremony. The time has come for Rolf and Bin to exchange wedding vows.
Dear guests, we are now priviledged to participate and witness the public acknowledgement of bth Rolf's and Bin's love for one another. Lets hear their dedications before us all. I would like to invite the groom to proceed first, followed by his beautiful bride.
~~~~~~wedding vows~~~~~~~~
May Rolf and Bin keep the vows made between them on this day. And to solemnize their profession of love for one another and to declare their union, we proceed to the witnessing the exchange of rings.
Exchanging of Wedding Rings
Deeply seeped in tradition, this circlet of precious metal is justly regarded as a fitting emblem of the purity and perpetuity of the union of two souls. We are reminded that the ring represents the circle of eternity, fashhioned as to have neither beginning nor end. Let it serve the meaning of this partnership to bring the both of you closer together and to last forever.
We are also reminded that the precious stones are so incorruptable that it cannot be tarnished by use or time. Then let this mean that the love of Rolf and Bin be incorruptable in its purity and will remain as precious as always. I would like to invite the best man to deliver the rings.
Announcement of HUSBAND and WIFE
As the rings have been placed, the vows have been declared, thus this union have been solemnized. May Rolf and Bin find happiness through this union, may they live faithfully together, may they remain ever loving and compassionate and may their journey be filled with the joys of life. Let it be known that a relationship isnt counted by the number of years shared, but the number of times you laughed, kissed and embraced together.
Now through the responsibility vested in me, I stand before your family and your close friends to (it was here that the generator died...leaving an eerie silence without music to accompany the last moment)...
I now pronouce you HUSBAND & WIFE. You may both kiss..."
Such beautiful speech! Lovely poem too! Gosh, so sweet~ I wish I was there to witness it all (even the eerie silence)
Flawless, I love it.
wow. this is the first time i read it after listening to it. i must say, you have done a really really amazing job! we couldn't have asked for something more beautiful and perfect than this. besides a wonderfully woven speech, your poetic skill is still consistently delightful. thank you so much, although we both know we can never thank you enough ;-)
Keep up the good work.
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