A sample of Tropical Beach Party photos...for more go to my FACEBOOK link here
Now, firstly on the definition of my 'gang'...I once had a real honest conversation with a Dutch chick who first labeled us the 'gang', namely me, Ana, Natasa (both Serbian hotties), Camilla (Indon hottie) and Segala (Brazilian dude hottie). Truth be told I was also closer to many, many more (Shook, Jennie, myself in the mirror etc), but visibly it seems the 5 of us were always seen as a group. Nothing bad or good, just the realization of an external perspective of how closely knitted was our group...despite the wrong numbers. Nevertheless, it doesnt help to stop distinguishing this group when we organized the series of farewells which were of course, meant for us.
Anyways, coming back to the final hours leading up to 29th June.
On the night of the 28th, the plan was at one of our (make that THE ONLY) Bonn club, Hausbar.
It was the eve of my departure...also the eve of Ana's birthday. Hence the double celebration...but I was obviously muted and quiet (till Put Your Hands Up came out!!). I was 'surprised' by a special gift by my buddies...it was a book of memories aptly titled "You know you had Leben mit (life with) Bonnie when...", and ppl will include individual memories shared with the recipient plus a photo. This went along with a pictorial book of Bonn, which all trainees would have and will get ppl to sign their names and write nice (sometimes forced) things bout the recipient. It was definitely a gift worth cherishing for me...
Me all 'shocked & surprised' over my gift ;)
The following day, everything was normal except for it was my last hours in Bonn. While all partygoers were trying to focus at work, I was busy packing. I had to leave from Bonn to Frankfurt Intl Airport at 6pm, leaving an opportunity for one final farewell with anyone that can make it to the McD's in front the train station at 5pm. Now, heres the deal...prior to this moment I didnt have any chance to reflect on my whole years experience here simply cuz for 2 hectic weeks, it was filled with unexpected interviews among unexpected interviews...one of which provided me an offer upon my first interview! So after heaps of meets and interviews (for my last day, I had FOUR!!), plus the verbal offer certainty of you coming back to Bonn again but the agonizing wait for HR and work permit confirmation, one definitely had no time to get all emotional. But then came that Friday, 29th June...most of my friends on Gmail chat had their nicks like "Farewell Bonnie" and "Goodbye Bonnie :(", it hit me that this WORKING ABROAD experience is finally OVER! Life as an AIESEC Trainee is DONE! Then upon seeing Segala's nick which sounded something like above...it just hit me...all the memories, friendship, job and experiences in one year that could all got mashed into a huge ball smacked right at my head!
For the 1st time abroad, not even during my first farewell...I CRIED!!! And I cried like a pussy! It was the sobbing, nose blocked type! And it was a good 20mins till Jennie Lee called and said, "Hey, I got your tickets!" (we were both taking the train to Frankfurt, a decision I didnt regret!)
Anyways, over and done with the tears! Hurried to McD's with Antoine Frenchboy cum chef extraordinaire who was such a buddy to fetch me over there! Although I didnt expect many to come (well, secretly I did!), slowly one by one arrived. In the end...there were 25ppl that came...it just made me the HAPPIEST!! You know your last moments whenever you re leaving will be the most cherished and memorable, so these guys and girls definitely made it all special for sure! I ll remember each of their faces as I hugged/kissed them one last time! Thankfully I had enough Malaysian postcards to give to all of them as my parting gift!
Arriving at the train station was rather rushed...but it was the most poignant scene I ll ever remember!! I always told myself that if someone cries when you leaves, you definitely were a huge part of their lives.
I will always remember the scene at Gleis 3 of the Bonn Hauptbahnhof...for it will remain etched in my memories forever!
The fact that nearly all my trainee friends were there, having some of them cry for me was a little too much. And to think, the only people I made cry were just ex girlfriends! I began to think if its surreal or just plain drama! Didnt help much with a very ON TIME train, I had to rush all the hugs, missing out on some! But with an eye of the whole scene all the time, it was just hard not to miss Natasa's and Shook's red eyes, Ana crying in one corner while someone was consoling her, Segala trying to hold it...it was the moment I stepped into the train with Jen. As the door closed, I managed to snap a final photo (which was crappy)...and I thought I controlled well, but when the train left...I was crying like a pussy again, this time on Jen's shoulders! This time, it was loud...real loud!
"Today, my heart melted into a puddle..." It was Jen's last minute addition to my Leben in Bonn book, which pretty much summed up the whole day. It was just the sweetest thing at the moment, was glad I spent my last hours in Germany with her!