Later on, went off to take some passport size pics and bought myself a Malaysian flag...RM12 for my patriotism!
As for the rest of the day...its back to the net to finalise some details and to send mails out and not to mentione to finalise the packings too.
6pm: Its time to say goodbye to the family and head to the airport. So its farewell to aunts, uncles, amah and every corner of my house...not to mention my little Savvy!
Bro fetched me, daddy and mummy plus 30kgs of stuff to the airport. Suprisingly i didnt feel heavy hearted leaving Klang town.
730pm: Arrived in airport. Now after numerous trips to the airport...this time its for me LEAVING! But first i have to settle the little problem of getting my first luggage checked in...and also to prove that my 20liter bag pack is nothing but a hand carry luggage. Went to the counter with a lady...tried to turn my charm.
me: Kakkk...boleh tak check in 2 beg?
Kak: Eh ehhhh...tak boleh tu....
me: tapi kakkk...flight pun bukannya penuh sangat...bolehlahhhhh
kak: Memang tak bolehhh...cuma boleh masuk satu je.
me: Alah macam ni boleh tak i masuk beg pek ni dalam aeroplane?
kak: Ituuuu kak tak boleh nak kata...kalau I memang boleh...tapi tu kena tanya sekuriti.
Obviously i failed!
8-9pm ish : Was trying to locate anyone thats probably going to frankfurt with less than the typical baggage weight so that i can tumpang my bag pack with that person. Damn frantic!
Luckily my first luggage that was 30kgs (which later was reduced to 27kgs by taking out two shirts) got in without any problem. Am beginning to worry...damn what if i cant bring this bloody bag in! But i saw Eric do problem what!
930pm : Saw the first person that came to send me apt that its Chien. Introduced him to my mum...and the first thing she asked `So what are you working as?' I dunno where to hide my face! Sorry man...
It was nice to see Shooks and Amelia as well...pleasant surprise! And Shooks was oohhhing and ahhhing bout my reason why i want them to leave before any other friends who might appear.
Tried to trick my parents that the airport parking is extremely expensive...and that they should leave. I mean if anything were to happen i think i can get Alan to fetch me back to Klang!
Surprisingly they bought it! Well apparently i think my mum dont really wanna cry...and i definitely do not want to see her cry too!
So that was final farewell to my beloved family! Oohhh...the three friends that were there that night was damn bloody lucky...they were able to witness something rarer than the Haleys Comet and an eclipse on the same day...thats my brother actually flung open his arms to give me a big hug...i mean a big brotherly hug!! Awwwww!!
Relationship between brothers didnt go well....
2o over years
A big hug despite relationship between brothers didnt go well...
10 ish pm: By then slowly lots of my friends started arriving. Honestly ddidnt expect a huge crowd...although i think most of them thinks i am EXPECTING them to come. I mean if its the case of some Lady Lumps (Al) who called at 10 plus to apologise for not being able to make it...that would certainly place itself as the worst and lamest lie ever heard...PERIOD! Nice try...but pls try harder next time. Not with me... ;)
But toll price and parking tickets can come closer to how much i owe all of them for coming! And sooo many cars too...! Appreciate it heaps...thanks for making my last memories of home an everlasting one! Thanks MC Team 04 05, that was totally awesome to see all of us take a pic one last time together...seeing one by one leaving the pic. Am sure Eric would be piss bout it though. Hehehe. Thanks Shooks and Amelia too for coming! Thanks to SweeLi, my little sis and also for the sweet msg u gave me!
My UKM buddies...Ruth, Kumar, Geraline, Fabian and Irene....appreciate the friendship and also the fact that trainees came over for the sending off of a would be trainees! I hope i find trainees as great as you guys here. Not to mention ShiLin, good luck to her in the next MC term!
Nearly crying moments was when YuenLai came over for our final hug...she said she didnt want to see me off as it would definitely make her cry. Gosh that hug (whatever i could hug of her) brought back numerous post puberty memories of me and her and the gang. I ll never forget seeing her walk away from me after that...I ll miss her!
Also when Alan handed me 20euros, just in case i go broke! Dude...thanks for everything man. Its a small gesture...but i ll always remember it...and i ll make sure i dont go broke too. Appreciate the friendship man...the rides with ur MPV and Waja, high school stories and of we are the fantasies of our married friends!
Last but not the least of crying moments, Al Lady Lumps big, final hug which was the tightest i got! Thanks...for accepting apologies and not forgetting that friends are the most important to money!
11pm: First call. It was time for the final hugs and kisses. Some bloody smart ass said lets move from McDs to the escalator so that we dont have to hug and say goodbye twice!! Basket...! That was the whole IDEA...!! Shit...!
So they formed a semi cirlce...hugged and kissed (for the smooth faced ones...nearly kissed Chien and Peters bald head!) every one. I think they expected me to cry...but hello its damn hard to cry la for me...cept for one moment though...when WeiHan (he of the super straight, never hug guys type) hugged me! I dunno if i saw his eyes being a little watery...but i bought it i shit...nearly cried there man!! I mean the hug was fairly sweet in an un Broke b'Bake way...and for goodness sake he still had his drinks with him! Nah beh...but it was sweet! I ll miss you man...and good to knw you are already missing me! Thanks a lot for helping me...! Hope to see u in europe...wundersex is waiting!
Guys and girls... my good buddy Chien (i ll miss our footies and chats), Peter (i ll let you know if theres any swimming pool episodes), Shook (we will meet in europe), Amelia (pray for me...doubt i ll be going to church here), Alan, Geraline, Nish (all the best in ur term, thanks for ur card and i hope i didnt annoy u much), Shilin, SweeLi, Thom (thanks for coming, despite many times not showing up), HuiLin (hope to see you caught within the same network ;] ), WeiHan, Al, Ruth (am positive we are more good friends now, will definitely showcase ur band in Bonn), Kumar (for whom i wish we had more time and soju to have more guy talks...rain check on that k), Fabian (no friend closer than this trainee), Irene (am glad we`re more than just aiesec buddies), YuenLai and Chris (nice of you to send me off...nah i am sure u were forced to be there!). Shoot me if i forgot anyone...
I will miss the rest back home...but as they say the friends that you see on your last moments in your homeland will forever be imposed and etched on your memories wherever you will be heading too. And thats true...for you folks who made leaving easier, but missing you all much harder! Thanks for the memories...!
And thanks for those who also called and msged and left little footnotes too.
1130pm: Final call...and now i am hoping i would get thru as the frantic search for anyone leaving to frankfurt just failed! I now hope the security thinks my 20liter bag pack is merely hand luggage!
Sekuriti: Amboi, besarnya beg!
me: Emm...tadi orang kat kaunter kata its alright.
Sekuriti: (taking several looks around my bag)....ok la...masuk!
me: (best giler!!!)
As i took that Final Descent (the escalator down to the point of no return)...looking back, and was always me from up there waving goodbye to the person going down...always wishing hard, hoping that one day it would be my turn...
That moment...that time had come. It was me that was leaving...
`We love you Bonnie we do....' Whoaaa...they even sang for me! I looked back...took some pics of them...singing at the balcony. Thats sweet...even sweeter to know they finally made me cry...
As i went down the alley to Gate 8, Alan called...`Look up...behind you'. There he was with Geraline...up at the glass balcony...`how the hell he got there!'
But i knew they were far enough not to see my tears was the final goodbye and salute to one of my best buddies...
================================================ to be continued

The gang that came to see me off! Cunnest farewell any Tart can get!

AIESEC National Committee Dream Team 04/05 (minus he will be pissed with this pic)

Me and the UKM Gang (from left, Irene (Dutch), KingKumar, Ruth, Tart, Al Lady Lumps, Kygan Metro and Fabian (French)

Me and dearest YuenLai...I ll miss you! I bet she wore see thru to turn me on one last time! Check out the complexion difference!

I used to always see people off till they managed to get thru the passport i am down there seeing them up there! Karma...
*Ahem* You did forget to mention someone. I was hoping to see what you'll write for the next best looking AIESEC member in Malaysia - my bf?! Haha...
Looking for more updates upon touching down.. DEAR!
pictures pictures pictures
KNNCCB!!! U didnt mention the magic card?? Mayb now you dont believe in d magic but time will tell my friend...;)
Oh, appreciate it but make it private pool la...(U dun have to tell me) unless it's real damn good pool!!!
Duh...broke-back hug...that's the brotherhood hug lah! Damm...don't confuse others lah! I'm definitely looking forward Vandar-SEX! So do keep me update with Europe news.
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