Time is 2.55pm. Its approximately 8 hours till i fly off, leaving behind a quarter of a century worth of memories in "You Can Land". Feelings a bit weird, one part of me says i cant wait to go...been waiting all this while, another part nostalgic...yet still cant wait to go!
After about 23 separate farewells with over 50 friends (yup...i'm truly blessed with 50 ++ friends), 5 supposed testimonial futsal games, countless drives around town with mum and dad, bout 1000 sms's replying "I am not leaving yet...visa not out", 5 German embassy trips, hundreds of e mails from new company, 3 nightmares where i got fired before even started and the constant thought of the SUPER EMBARRASSMENT of actually NOT GOING after all the above...
....pheww, finally i am going! Yet i'm shuddering at the stupid thoughts of PTPTN officials hauling me off my flights (for obvious reasons), my ticket isnt valid, flights delayed etc! Gosh...think happy thots, think happy thots! Oh...i can imagine my friends sniggering; "remember Bonnie and his numerous farewells...in the end also tak jadi pergi!"
And speaking of farewells, last night (# 24 i think) was kinda cool too. Appreciate the ppl coming, despite some feeling left out, one particular person losing his passport and yet able to make it, some not coming at all etc. Obviously all of them were my AIESEC friends and team mates. In particular we headed for Paandis in PJ, where if you re a traveller...this spot is a MUST SEE and i should suggest to anyone to write an article about it to Lonely Planet Boleh Land Edition. Why...simply because only here in BolehLand do you see TWO COMPETING mamaks/Indian restaurants that has the SAME NAME, SAME UNIFORM, SAME FOOD and TYPE OF PPL (Indians!). And to put the marketing / management books to good use, i've coined a term for this one-of-a-kind phenomenon, aptly called the 4P's, the POWERFUL PAANDI PURPLE PROMOTERS!!!
Oh it gets worst when you they began harrasing each other for on coming civilians, thats right...not even customers yet! "Yess boss, come boss, different one boss....here boss, taste better boss...not same one boss". All this PLUS head shaking and hand gestures!!
Had a few trainees in the group yesterday...and boy was it a weird experience for them! The icing on the cake was when the town council guys came for their usual 'Ops Ambik Rasuah Kalau Tak Cukup Angkat Table'!! Bugger damn hebat la they all...and rightfully so they ought to be in the BolehLand Book of Records for FASTEST TABLE REARRANGEMENT!!! For us...it was definitely a photo op moment!! May i suggest those who took pictures to send to the Star...you might get yourself a cool RM50 for being the best pic! As for me...i recorded the moment so that i can display it in my BolehLand booth come Global Village time....siap with bendera and all!
1 comment:
haha...this 2 'brotherly' mamaks had a controversy some time ago til it was a big hit in the papers.
it's pretty scary when u get there. it seems that the waiters were coming out trying to grab u into their shop.
i had a bad incident once there. not becuase of the waiters. but a baby vomitted on me! fuck~
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