Thursday, January 25, 2007

That white powdery thing...

As i took my usual route to work...the 5 minute walk from my room to the station, the usual 10 minute wait for the next train as i missed one by a couple of minutes, the 15 mins journey to work while i watched the city wizz by. Weather forecast said its gonna be -4 degrees, wasnt the first time it went below zero although it was my first time seeing it with my own eyes in the weather news.

Then as i took the usual lane leading towards my office...i thought i saw several white, powdery stuff floating...or falling...NO!!! It cant be dandruff...i just freakin washed my hair...!

I looked all was the same white, powdery thing falling all over...i had to look really hard at what it was cuz it was toooo small, toooo tiny to confirm...

As pathetic as it was...i am not a SNOW VIRGIN anymore! Think bad sex...but sex nevertheless!

1 comment:

iluvtina said...

congrats! u felt snow. i didn't get it in korea. it fell last week. shit~