What was supposed to be just a small meet up between the Malaysians coming (Flo and Weihan) in Eric's place in Leuwen turned to be one major meet up, bar one kaki FFK! Now after all the headache of organizing their trip has been settled (where me and Eric could end up arguing for soo long and not getting to any conclusion!), the day finally arrived!
But first, the headache...!
Coming to Brussels also is my youngest aunt, the biggest supporter of me NOT going on a traineeship (but we still love each other lots!), via a Euro trip which she got at a bargain price. The trip was organized by HP and is solely for its employees and vendors...so i wander in amazement how she managed to go through the whole trip without a single soul knowing that she doesnt knw the difference between a laptop and a PC! Anyways jumping on this unlikely opportunity, i tried to arrange for me to meet Flo and Weihan in Koln, then we rush to Brussels. Thing was, we ll arrive only at 3pm whereas my aunts bus tour will leave at the same time to Amsterdam! So knowing before hand that its gonna be Mission Impossible...i decided to pass some money to Ana, who is also heading to Brussels, to pass the money to Eric, who is already in Brussels to meet the other Malaysian gang, so that he can then receive my Malaysian Package from my aunt and pass it to me!
Pheww...in short thats also the old school way of how my company operating its business..."we bring anything to everwhere"!
With that modified example of the Yellow Company's transportation of goods away, my aunt told Eric she really really want to see me! Hence the several msges to me asking me to hurry...my aunt even called me to see if theres still possibility! I was already reaching Brussels then, time check: 2.57pm! Upon arrival i saw Eric, he had time to give two hugs to the visiting Malaysians and we both ran 3 blocks to where the bus was parked! What happened next was the unexpected family drama...soap opera style! Running uphill, i saw two tour bus parked, Eric confirmed thats the one! Then i saw my aunts outline...and then came the squeal of delight heard some 2 blocks away!It was then i realised "damn...EVERYONE in the bus is waiting for her WAITING for me!" We gave each other one bigg lonngg hug...and my aunt started to CRY!! Oh dear...now that was totally unexpected! The next thing you knew, she did possibly the MOST ASIAN thing one could do at moments like this...she whipped out her digicam and asked Eric to shoot some photos, including tears and curious tourists giving weird stares! Then as quickly as it began, it was goodbyes already! All in less than 5 minutes!!! All while EVERYONE was looking out the bus window! I sort of gave an apologetic smile and wave to all of them before the buses left...
With that done...shared the whole experience when we all got together...and laughed the whole of our short Belgium meet! And that plus lots of eating, drinking, milo, indo mee goreng and daging babi salai (courtesy of my Malaysian package!). Plus a little tour around Antwerp...whereby officially with that visit, i ve covered EVERY major city in Belgium!
Besides the both Malaysian tourists and Eric, our crew consisted of RenBin (best friend working in Denmark,hopefully not the last time i see her as a bachelorrette), Grace (Erics good friend working in Frankfurt, my German speaking buddy of the trip), her colleague from Hong Kong Carina, plus another friend of Erics and Weihan, WaiKwan who came from Italy. Overall it was nice meeting everyone again...more excitedly so with the bachelorrette!
The meeting was farrr to short...but then up next is Amsterdam though...although just us original 4 plus some friends in Amsterdam!
Below are some pics from our trip...cam whored rather little (surprisingly!).
HUGE DISCLAIMER...there are several not so nice photos courtesy of people who dont know how to handle my trustable Canon Ixus 3.2megapixels camera! But i have to post it as it was the ONLY shot available! Sigh...minions who dont know how to shoot!

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