On the political side of things in Malaysia, March 8th marked a momentous day for democracy. The “political tsunami”, given the “disastrous” result for the ruling government where they lost the 2/3rd majority barring some untouchables seats in several states, saw the opposition gain hold of 5 states (something totally unprecedented).
It was also a truly memorable day in terms of rekindling lost friendship. Having practised my right as a citizen yearning for a major change in the country’s political scene early in the morning, I caught the next bus down south to Singapore.
The occasion; Jennie Lee’s much anticipated return to this side of the world (well she’s a Pinoy, dropping by the island to catch up with several other friends before heading for home).
The least I could do is drop by for a visit myself. Guess the halfway round the world trip from Germany was irrelevant to my 600km trip from KL to Singapore.
I still remember my last vivid memories of Jennie…she was the sweet angel soaking my tears while I cried and sobbed my eyes dry as I left Bonn for the final time (I stained her blouse for sure!). Accompanying me in my trip to Frankfurt airport (although not purposely for my departure), it was nice having someone to be there as I took in my last journey in a German ICE (inter city express) train while reminiscing of what WAS to be my Germany Journey.
It was apt as well that she was the last person I got to spend my time with as she was one of the first friend I got introduced too as I began my the Germany Journey. Our friendship spanned through many walks to her home, cooking sessions, Asian nights, long, fantastic stories and gossips, pizzas by the field in spring and summer, shopping, road trips…she definitely was a chapter in itself! Oh how would I then miss this occasion of meeting up with her again…even though its for exactly 24hours!
What made it a MUST NOT MISS is the fact that Shook and Amit would be there as well! Irony has it that both these other integral individuals in my life have not met prior to this…despite hearing tales and stories bout each other often enough to know they both can definitely click upon meeting up! This is thanks of course to me and Jen sharing tales of Amit to Shook plus Shook’s fetish of Indian men! Put all this elements together and we re gonna have one really memorable and unforgettable day! Add in a few extra Pinoys (courtesy of friends of Jen’s…hey that’s a nice ring to it!) and you ll get more laughters and songs for all you know! Guess the one thing to make this totally PERFECT would be meeting in a German themed restaurant!
Well, that was where we went for brunch the following day! A Bavarian themed restaurant to be exact, which brought all the fantastic memories of Rheinlust (THE brunch place amongst us Bonn residents) come together! Our meeting had everything that a few good friends who haven’t seen each other for ages had…stories, gossips, updates, laughter, cam whoring (we re ASIANS…plus we ve got new DSLR’s to show off!)…everything but the sentimentality of meeting up again after sooo many months! I guess the very desire to see each other again plus the fact that knowing it isn’t impossible (taking that very weekend as an example) helped make it to be a SEE YOU SOON, rather than a GOODBYE….
And still staying with the island that is Singapore…
Now every now and then one can have their random blonde moments. I for one probably have a top 5 blonde moment! However what happened this time wins it hands down for being the ULTIMATE BLONDE MOMENT for moi!
Now while in Bonn, I never had the chance to watch the super musical that’s based on Queen’s music, titled We Will Rock You. It was a staple performance in Cologne (some 30 mins away from Bonn) yet I think the thing that turned me off was that it was done in German! (yuck!)
Nevertheless, upon hearing that they re doing a 2-3weeks show in Singapore (why oh why don’t these fantastic acts ever come to Malaysia!?), I jumped at the chance to watch it on its final day. Accompanying my colleague on a road trip along with her two other friends on a Saturday morning, I diligently advised and reminded them if they ve done their checklist (ie. Passport, money, tickets etc).
However fate would play a cruel game with me when after the 6 hour ride and upon reaching the border on the Singapore side, I realised that the passport I was holding all the while (and YES I DID CHECK…somehow not thoroughly * shy * ) was actually my MUMS!!!! *smacks forehead*
My colleague were in total disbelief that the least they could do was laugh the shit out of me…which I duly allowed cuz I never felt sooooooo STUPID! (well I did have other stupid moments, but this tops it all!).
My brain quickly worked overtime (after all the stupidity, it took a while to even deduct how to smile) and analysed what went wrong…I woke up and groggily stumbled into the family drawer to get my passport, which was easily identified by the heaps of passport sized photos which I have in MY passport. Well unfortunately…the photos were transferred to my mum’s passport (I then found out it was my mum who shifted it!)…and thus begun my apathy towards being THOROUGH with my checking (does this now justify why I hate auditing and double checking my work!) of the passport which I brought! Believe me the thought that crossed my mind when I was stuck at the situation includes actually PRETENDING to be the holder of the passport! The things you would think when you get stuck in a rut!
When the girls were done laughing me off, my colleague actually offered me her car to drive back and get my passport (the musical was the next day). Me however was too tired to even think of driving a total of 12 hours to and fro (must be the thinking!). With that, I just considered the RM100+ ticket burnt and despite efforts to sell it the next day…I knew it was gone. But I guess nothing could be so much gone as to my pride and dignity…duly shown in full drama and comedy that it should be rated PG13 for the absurdity and stupidity that was me!
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