Wanna know about the World Cup through Portuguese-tarts experience...read the first of many postings below, titled "Fusbal Fieber".
Its below the postings on my travelogy.
Have a super weekend!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Portuguese Tart's travelogy
I think some of you know that I am a travel freak, and that I specifically focused my traineeship location to be in only a few countries within Europe (believe me, I’ve got a lot of stick for that before...). Combine those two together, and this explains why now that I ve arrived here, I made a promise to myself to be a ‘travel-whore’; traveling to somewhere new each month, budget permitting of course!
Now that it has been 2 months and 2 weeks into my adventure, lets recap the major destinations I ve been to. Note: Specially to Iluvtina…if you want to continue our lovely friendship, perhaps reading this is not advisable.
First trip, June 2nd- 5th: The supposed budget friendly and unforgettably wild experience that was the trip to Berlin. Turns out I would blow my return back by missing my train and buying another freaking one way ticket home that cost me nearly 50 euros!
Second trip, July 13th-16th: The recent trip to Rotterdam proved that AI Transition parties are what it has always been…a bit on the boring side, unless you re catching up with long lost friends. Awesome in the networking part, lets not forget the mini Malaysian Reunion! Surprisingly I got a bit tanned after this trip. And big thanks to Eva for allowing me to travel on dept budget and at first class…best giler!
Now apparently I have in store my destinations for the next months (or just for August only)
Mid August, I would play guest to Eric in Leuven, Belgium. There would be some kind of a huge festival happening there and I think I might even take the chance to organize some kind of huge trainee outing, just to show that saya ada guna jugak lah, bukan cuma muka hensem saja! And as Eric is also like me, whose good looking housemates are the reflections our mirrors, I think he would appreciate a big crowd coming over as well (he hasn’t known of this plan yet as of writing…oh btw, its his birthday too. Note to self, wish Eric). And I think organizing a trainee outing is simple…just delegate!
Now here is the next big outing…happening one week after the Belgium trip. And a big big big thanks for Eva and her successor (my new Brasilian buddy, Segala), for pushing my involvement in this. You see, as these guys are coordinators to the AIESEC cause for our company, it means they have a huge role to play in AIESEC’s biggest international conference, International Congress (IC). But Eva had a scheming way to bring the non AIESEC coordinator that is me…get me to do the re-launch of the partnership (a big slot witnessed by the global plenary of over 600 people)! So spent about a day (1 hour I think) doing a precise plan, crazy ideas and voila, I have the re-launch plan. Then, they proposed the whole of their plans for IC, a chunk of it was on my planning of the re-launch…which obviously got questioned by our boss. Well, I have to hand it to Eva and Segala’s charm…they managed to convince my boss that I could be there and still come back to work as well…so to cut the long story short, Portuguese-Tart is going to Poland for IC!! Plus Malaysians don’t need a visa to get in!
I have to give it to them, especially the way they pulled a prank on me by saying I wont be making it.
After their proposal meet with boss…
Segala: I think you have to pass me all your plans and proposal…
Portuguese-tart: What plans?
Segala: Your plans for IC…
Portuguese-tart: (hmmm, this is about IC. Now, if I knew that my buddy would be going…what would I do? I’ll play a prank and say he wont be going! Lets hope this works…I ll just play along) Ohh…ok. I ll just mail the proposal to you then (in a nonchalant manner, but showing a slight 10cents @ sad face).
I could then see the sparkle in their eyes already, and I was pretty sure I was right!
Segala: Man…I am good! See what a good liar I am! You re coming to IC dude!
Portuguese-tart: Oh my gawd!!! (faking it…but trying hard not to show it…but also really happy too about the good news) You guys just made my weekend! Thank you soooo much!!!
Well, this is awesome nevertheless! I hope I really get to go (not sure yet till i really see my ticket!)…it ll be great fun for the team of coordinators! I ll be meeting Elias (the coordinator for Americas working in Miami) again, of which I had great fun with! So with 2 Brazilians, Sandra, me and a German girl representing the Asia Pacific (??!!), this is one ‘working trip’ which I cant wait to go! The boss is always questioning why some projects we need to involve all the coordinators in the team, especially the Bonn Team. Boss always say “I don’t want it to be seen as a dept holiday trip / dept fun thing”. She said this of my huge networking event which I organized too…despite agreeing we re working on it together. But I think this really helps in getting us connected, and especially working on big events / projects…it definitely puts in the synergy of a multi national team which definitely turns me of…professionally of course! Plus it does potray an image of a team within the same dept that can be efficient, energetic and always emphasising on results...something which Boss, you could be proud off :)
So…with regards to Intl Congress, back in 2004 I was a delegate (of which I am still thankful for my National Committee team that sacrificed 2 or 3 non participating members) in Hanover, Germany.
The Malaysia Boleh delegation
Thats about 500++ delegates
When in Germany eat what the Germans eat.
Then in 2005, I was the facilitator at the conference…with the Taj Mahal as the backdrop.
Global Village with the Taj at the background
Team Malaysia with the fruit of our labor, i wished all my team mates were there. Tears of joy...
Moment of jubilation...AIESEC in Malaysia winning the UBS Excellence Award Asia Pacific region
Sunrise at one of the 7 Wonders of the World
Touch Mahal
All is serene at the Taj.
Now…in 2006, while in my internship with AIESEC’s biggest partner in Germany (and some say globally), I get to participate as a partner of the organization, planning the re-launch of the partnership! 3 years of being in the biggest international conference of AIESEC, 3 different roles, 3 different countries…thanks a lot! My stars are pretty aligned and luck is shining on me!
Portuguese Tart's travelogy has only just begun...join me to see the world!
Now that it has been 2 months and 2 weeks into my adventure, lets recap the major destinations I ve been to. Note: Specially to Iluvtina…if you want to continue our lovely friendship, perhaps reading this is not advisable.
First trip, June 2nd- 5th: The supposed budget friendly and unforgettably wild experience that was the trip to Berlin. Turns out I would blow my return back by missing my train and buying another freaking one way ticket home that cost me nearly 50 euros!
Second trip, July 13th-16th: The recent trip to Rotterdam proved that AI Transition parties are what it has always been…a bit on the boring side, unless you re catching up with long lost friends. Awesome in the networking part, lets not forget the mini Malaysian Reunion! Surprisingly I got a bit tanned after this trip. And big thanks to Eva for allowing me to travel on dept budget and at first class…best giler!
Now apparently I have in store my destinations for the next months (or just for August only)
Mid August, I would play guest to Eric in Leuven, Belgium. There would be some kind of a huge festival happening there and I think I might even take the chance to organize some kind of huge trainee outing, just to show that saya ada guna jugak lah, bukan cuma muka hensem saja! And as Eric is also like me, whose good looking housemates are the reflections our mirrors, I think he would appreciate a big crowd coming over as well (he hasn’t known of this plan yet as of writing…oh btw, its his birthday too. Note to self, wish Eric). And I think organizing a trainee outing is simple…just delegate!
Now here is the next big outing…happening one week after the Belgium trip. And a big big big thanks for Eva and her successor (my new Brasilian buddy, Segala), for pushing my involvement in this. You see, as these guys are coordinators to the AIESEC cause for our company, it means they have a huge role to play in AIESEC’s biggest international conference, International Congress (IC). But Eva had a scheming way to bring the non AIESEC coordinator that is me…get me to do the re-launch of the partnership (a big slot witnessed by the global plenary of over 600 people)! So spent about a day (1 hour I think) doing a precise plan, crazy ideas and voila, I have the re-launch plan. Then, they proposed the whole of their plans for IC, a chunk of it was on my planning of the re-launch…which obviously got questioned by our boss. Well, I have to hand it to Eva and Segala’s charm…they managed to convince my boss that I could be there and still come back to work as well…so to cut the long story short, Portuguese-Tart is going to Poland for IC!! Plus Malaysians don’t need a visa to get in!
I have to give it to them, especially the way they pulled a prank on me by saying I wont be making it.
After their proposal meet with boss…
Segala: I think you have to pass me all your plans and proposal…
Portuguese-tart: What plans?
Segala: Your plans for IC…
Portuguese-tart: (hmmm, this is about IC. Now, if I knew that my buddy would be going…what would I do? I’ll play a prank and say he wont be going! Lets hope this works…I ll just play along) Ohh…ok. I ll just mail the proposal to you then (in a nonchalant manner, but showing a slight 10cents @ sad face).
I could then see the sparkle in their eyes already, and I was pretty sure I was right!
Segala: Man…I am good! See what a good liar I am! You re coming to IC dude!
Portuguese-tart: Oh my gawd!!! (faking it…but trying hard not to show it…but also really happy too about the good news) You guys just made my weekend! Thank you soooo much!!!
Well, this is awesome nevertheless! I hope I really get to go (not sure yet till i really see my ticket!)…it ll be great fun for the team of coordinators! I ll be meeting Elias (the coordinator for Americas working in Miami) again, of which I had great fun with! So with 2 Brazilians, Sandra, me and a German girl representing the Asia Pacific (??!!), this is one ‘working trip’ which I cant wait to go! The boss is always questioning why some projects we need to involve all the coordinators in the team, especially the Bonn Team. Boss always say “I don’t want it to be seen as a dept holiday trip / dept fun thing”. She said this of my huge networking event which I organized too…despite agreeing we re working on it together. But I think this really helps in getting us connected, and especially working on big events / projects…it definitely puts in the synergy of a multi national team which definitely turns me of…professionally of course! Plus it does potray an image of a team within the same dept that can be efficient, energetic and always emphasising on results...something which Boss, you could be proud off :)
So…with regards to Intl Congress, back in 2004 I was a delegate (of which I am still thankful for my National Committee team that sacrificed 2 or 3 non participating members) in Hanover, Germany.

Then in 2005, I was the facilitator at the conference…with the Taj Mahal as the backdrop.

Now…in 2006, while in my internship with AIESEC’s biggest partner in Germany (and some say globally), I get to participate as a partner of the organization, planning the re-launch of the partnership! 3 years of being in the biggest international conference of AIESEC, 3 different roles, 3 different countries…thanks a lot! My stars are pretty aligned and luck is shining on me!
Portuguese Tart's travelogy has only just begun...join me to see the world!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Fussball fieber (part 1) - first live match
The German sounding title would have anyone with an IQ to suggest it means "Football Fever", and yes this delayed post is definitely...delayed! Having to organize a huge project during your first months, especially during World Cup season, is not a good way to enjoy your World Cup. But nevertheless, for the benefit of those who are footie hardcores like me...one has to share the experience of being the lucky few that lived in a country that was hosting the World Cup...so here it is, albeit a little delayed, my series of entries for the World Cup...
"Portuguese Tarts World Cup Experience"
... a summary of the thrills, spills, emotional highs and lows, drama, friendship, and the 'fever' usually associated with the World Cup....
The Fan in me
Lets begin with me as a football fan-atic. Of the many levels of 'fan-dom', i fall under the 'play the game (some say good), history buff, statistics loving, strategy analyst, know all' footie fan. I play it weekly, i watched it nearly daily, i read bout anything and everything about it, i even cried for not being selected for a school team before...guess thats fanatic enough! You see, theres lots to know about the beautiful game...like who coined the word 'beautiful game' (Pele for those not in the know), from 4-4-2 to ultra defensive, offside to did the ball cross the line dramas...etc. And its not like the oft cited cliche (usually those who are either ignorant or 'stupid' say it) of "a game where silly men chase a white ball"! I get terribly upset when i hear that...but now more of pittance because it usually comes with ignorance (some plain outright stupid)...because this "game" has more than 22 people (refs, subs, etc) who definitely arent "silly", they dont "run" after a ball, they strategically keep possesion in order to put the ball in the oppositions goal! And the "ball" is never white nowadays!
The so called 'fever'
That apart...seeing that i was in Germany nearly a month prior to the World Cup, it was sad to say that i hardly felt the "football fever", cept for a couple of trainees whom i know were footie soulmates (kudos to Kenyan Steve, despite the fact he supports Liverpool). I knew back home promotions, marketing and nearly everything was footie oriented, but here...it somehow felt muted. Maybe its the expectation that the country may not even perform well...i dont know...i was just not feeling it! Unlike in Japan / Korea, man the whole of Asia was feeling 'it'! The random man on the street, the bookies, students...everyone!
Marketing Campaigns
So i got myself engrossed in World Cup related ads (mostly nike and adidas) to get me in the swing of things! Now this football business...industry experts dont really know how to put a figure of how big this industry is...anything related to football...cuz its simply HUGE! The obvious example can be seen through sport, electronic, automobiles...nearly all industry brands competing with one another...each having their own 'stars' endorsing their product.
The ones which most footie fans look forward too are ones which Nike and adidas produced commercials. With a stable of who's who in the football world endorsing either brands, its a footie fans dream having to direct an ad involving all the stars. So far, till i left, we re only bombarded by the nike ad campaigns (usually the innovator of creative football /sports commercials), led by my all time idol...Eric Cantona, promoting Joga Bonito (play beautiful, or something like that), and having the Worlds Number 1 player at the moment, Ronaldinho in most of its ads. It brought the whole football commercial campaign one level higher...it sort of created a movement...that football is all about playing beautifully! And damn...there goes adidas...lets see what they ve got in store for us.
And boy was i not dissapointed! It brought back the old school way of how we, as kids use to divide our teams. With their theme of +10 (it means YOU and your team of +10), the ad had 2 Spanish speaking kids doing a "one, two jus" (Malaysian version of scissors, paper, stone) to choose their players. "Zidane", and on comes the French talisman, "Gerrard", on comes the inspirational Englishman, "Robben", "Viera", "Beckham","Raul"...etc. The classic moment was when one of the kids mum, Jose...screamed "Jose...get back home", he took the ball and the game had to stop...with the rest of the footballers flabbergasted! The first time i saw that...i was completely bowled away...! Now...for both companies...i give them 2 thumbs up for superb, creative and innovative marketing campaigns!
First football game...LIVE!
I like the idea of having small towns hosting the participating teams in the World Cup. It has been like this ever since, and it just make great economical sense, bringing in tourism to the smaller cities that are not hosting any games. Bonn had the priviledge of being the host city to the Japanese team, it was no wonder the town was abuzz with everything Japanese; sushis restaurants more promoted, blue and white flags of the "Samurai Blue" and most significantly, turning a museum into a huge Japanese media center! It was this place which i visited with a HK trainee couple, Sean and Sam, that i realised there was a friendly between Germany and Japan! As the price was merely 25euros (and since AIESEC pay half of German 'cultural' related events), our chinese genes simply said this was a must watch, must see, must experience CHEAP match!! We bought our tickets right away...and got pretty excited about it!
The museum that was transformed to a Japanese Media center

Portuguese Tart trying his Japanese look
The game was in Leverkusen, bout an hour from Bonn, and i am sure it was a welcome home of sorts for Germany's top player, Michael Ballack as he used to play there! Now, this is important...i have never, ever, ever a fan of Germany simply because they play boring, organised football! So obviously i was going to this match, hoping for an upset! The trainees were always surprised by my "No way am i supporting Germany" attitude, despite me earning a living here. But hey...football is football...
Germany vs Japan
Crazy Ultraman fans!
In LeverkusenStadium
At the beginning of the game
Venue, Leverkusen Stadium, home stadium of Bayer Leverkusen
Atmosphere was fantastic, German fans and Japanese fans screaming the lungs out, the view of the stadium from my seat, the green grass...man if you re a footie fan, this sort of environment gets the hair at the back of your neck stand! The euphoria was fantastic!
As i got the tickets in the Japan media center, i naturally was in the Japan side of the stadium! Not a bad view either...plus soaking in the atmosphere from the Japs perspective...simply awesome! (notice i didnt mention anything on Jap chicks...cuz plainly put it...there was NONE!)
And they got near hysterical when Japan scored the first goal!! I was livid...seeing the host suffer a defeat...definitely a great moment! On the hour mark...2-0, confirmed HYSTERIA!!! What a feeling!!
But in the end...lack of height and stamina proved their downfall, as Germany scraped back 2 late late goals through set pieces! Man...no matter how Japan outplayed the host...they were still a little "short" of height!
Game was not that fantastic, although it does have its fair share of spills and thrills! Germans were more cautious whilst the Japs were typical kamikaze in their game plan...although finishing was very questionable!
Like all live games, the only thing lacking were live commentary...but the atmosphere and the euphoria definitely made up for it.
Half time show (yawnnn)
Japan scores the 2nd goal...!!
Ballack vs Nakata

Germany fans!
Final results... 2- 2. Lucky Germans!
But all in all, it was a great start heading towards the World Cup! There will be heaps more excitement to come!
"Portuguese Tarts World Cup Experience"
... a summary of the thrills, spills, emotional highs and lows, drama, friendship, and the 'fever' usually associated with the World Cup....
The Fan in me
Lets begin with me as a football fan-atic. Of the many levels of 'fan-dom', i fall under the 'play the game (some say good), history buff, statistics loving, strategy analyst, know all' footie fan. I play it weekly, i watched it nearly daily, i read bout anything and everything about it, i even cried for not being selected for a school team before...guess thats fanatic enough! You see, theres lots to know about the beautiful game...like who coined the word 'beautiful game' (Pele for those not in the know), from 4-4-2 to ultra defensive, offside to did the ball cross the line dramas...etc. And its not like the oft cited cliche (usually those who are either ignorant or 'stupid' say it) of "a game where silly men chase a white ball"! I get terribly upset when i hear that...but now more of pittance because it usually comes with ignorance (some plain outright stupid)...because this "game" has more than 22 people (refs, subs, etc) who definitely arent "silly", they dont "run" after a ball, they strategically keep possesion in order to put the ball in the oppositions goal! And the "ball" is never white nowadays!
The so called 'fever'
That apart...seeing that i was in Germany nearly a month prior to the World Cup, it was sad to say that i hardly felt the "football fever", cept for a couple of trainees whom i know were footie soulmates (kudos to Kenyan Steve, despite the fact he supports Liverpool). I knew back home promotions, marketing and nearly everything was footie oriented, but here...it somehow felt muted. Maybe its the expectation that the country may not even perform well...i dont know...i was just not feeling it! Unlike in Japan / Korea, man the whole of Asia was feeling 'it'! The random man on the street, the bookies, students...everyone!
Marketing Campaigns
So i got myself engrossed in World Cup related ads (mostly nike and adidas) to get me in the swing of things! Now this football business...industry experts dont really know how to put a figure of how big this industry is...anything related to football...cuz its simply HUGE! The obvious example can be seen through sport, electronic, automobiles...nearly all industry brands competing with one another...each having their own 'stars' endorsing their product.
The ones which most footie fans look forward too are ones which Nike and adidas produced commercials. With a stable of who's who in the football world endorsing either brands, its a footie fans dream having to direct an ad involving all the stars. So far, till i left, we re only bombarded by the nike ad campaigns (usually the innovator of creative football /sports commercials), led by my all time idol...Eric Cantona, promoting Joga Bonito (play beautiful, or something like that), and having the Worlds Number 1 player at the moment, Ronaldinho in most of its ads. It brought the whole football commercial campaign one level higher...it sort of created a movement...that football is all about playing beautifully! And damn...there goes adidas...lets see what they ve got in store for us.
And boy was i not dissapointed! It brought back the old school way of how we, as kids use to divide our teams. With their theme of +10 (it means YOU and your team of +10), the ad had 2 Spanish speaking kids doing a "one, two jus" (Malaysian version of scissors, paper, stone) to choose their players. "Zidane", and on comes the French talisman, "Gerrard", on comes the inspirational Englishman, "Robben", "Viera", "Beckham","Raul"...etc. The classic moment was when one of the kids mum, Jose...screamed "Jose...get back home", he took the ball and the game had to stop...with the rest of the footballers flabbergasted! The first time i saw that...i was completely bowled away...! Now...for both companies...i give them 2 thumbs up for superb, creative and innovative marketing campaigns!
First football game...LIVE!
I like the idea of having small towns hosting the participating teams in the World Cup. It has been like this ever since, and it just make great economical sense, bringing in tourism to the smaller cities that are not hosting any games. Bonn had the priviledge of being the host city to the Japanese team, it was no wonder the town was abuzz with everything Japanese; sushis restaurants more promoted, blue and white flags of the "Samurai Blue" and most significantly, turning a museum into a huge Japanese media center! It was this place which i visited with a HK trainee couple, Sean and Sam, that i realised there was a friendly between Germany and Japan! As the price was merely 25euros (and since AIESEC pay half of German 'cultural' related events), our chinese genes simply said this was a must watch, must see, must experience CHEAP match!! We bought our tickets right away...and got pretty excited about it!

The game was in Leverkusen, bout an hour from Bonn, and i am sure it was a welcome home of sorts for Germany's top player, Michael Ballack as he used to play there! Now, this is important...i have never, ever, ever a fan of Germany simply because they play boring, organised football! So obviously i was going to this match, hoping for an upset! The trainees were always surprised by my "No way am i supporting Germany" attitude, despite me earning a living here. But hey...football is football...
Germany vs Japan

Atmosphere was fantastic, German fans and Japanese fans screaming the lungs out, the view of the stadium from my seat, the green grass...man if you re a footie fan, this sort of environment gets the hair at the back of your neck stand! The euphoria was fantastic!
As i got the tickets in the Japan media center, i naturally was in the Japan side of the stadium! Not a bad view either...plus soaking in the atmosphere from the Japs perspective...simply awesome! (notice i didnt mention anything on Jap chicks...cuz plainly put it...there was NONE!)
And they got near hysterical when Japan scored the first goal!! I was livid...seeing the host suffer a defeat...definitely a great moment! On the hour mark...2-0, confirmed HYSTERIA!!! What a feeling!!
But in the end...lack of height and stamina proved their downfall, as Germany scraped back 2 late late goals through set pieces! Man...no matter how Japan outplayed the host...they were still a little "short" of height!
Game was not that fantastic, although it does have its fair share of spills and thrills! Germans were more cautious whilst the Japs were typical kamikaze in their game plan...although finishing was very questionable!
Like all live games, the only thing lacking were live commentary...but the atmosphere and the euphoria definitely made up for it.

Final results... 2- 2. Lucky Germans!
But all in all, it was a great start heading towards the World Cup! There will be heaps more excitement to come!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Trip to Rotterdam
From where i last left, i was minutes from leaving to Rotterdam. Well, like all big trips with heaps of photos, the best place to do this is of course my 2nd site, bonniearthur.blinklife.com. A sample of happened Rotterdam...
The AIESEC International Transition Party
The Malaysian Reunion
Ambitious Architecture
Beautiful scenery

Thursday, July 13, 2006
This might be Rotterdam, or anywhere...
I am minutes away to leaving for my first excursion out of Germany during my internship.
Destination : Rotterdam
Occasion : Joining hundreds more AIESEC members to the fabled AIESEC International Transition Party, where back in those days we use to curse them for inviting people to somewhere where less than 1 third of the global membership could attend. But now that i am here, these are just a few of the many occasions which i shouldnt miss!
Great chance to see many many familiar faces...but the most exciting part would be a Mini Malaysian Reunion!! I am soo freaking excited over this that i have packed with me about 10 tea bags and some milo to make Teh Tarik and... Milo! Will be catching up with RenBin (of which recently got engaged, must see the bling bling on her finger!), Eric (of which twice became my Bonn boyfriend) and Pak Yang (of which i suspect is screwing some Finnish girls, so need some juicy goss!). I even got them to bring some Maggie...so can do Maggie Mee Goreng! We ll find some place to buy eggs...to make the mata kerbau!
I hope one of them is proactive enough to bring the Malaysian flag...i couldnt stuff my 2 m long flag in my bag!
Anyways the party sounds happening, although most people i ve asked came back dissapointed. So i am there to find out...
This is gonna be a fun weekend! Postings up next week perhaps...well i havent even been doing much anyways!

Rotterdam Port, one of the biggest and busiest ports in the world.
Erasmus Bridge, linking the North and South of Rotterdam.

One of the crazy architectures in Rotterdam, the Cubic Houses
Destination : Rotterdam
Occasion : Joining hundreds more AIESEC members to the fabled AIESEC International Transition Party, where back in those days we use to curse them for inviting people to somewhere where less than 1 third of the global membership could attend. But now that i am here, these are just a few of the many occasions which i shouldnt miss!
Great chance to see many many familiar faces...but the most exciting part would be a Mini Malaysian Reunion!! I am soo freaking excited over this that i have packed with me about 10 tea bags and some milo to make Teh Tarik and... Milo! Will be catching up with RenBin (of which recently got engaged, must see the bling bling on her finger!), Eric (of which twice became my Bonn boyfriend) and Pak Yang (of which i suspect is screwing some Finnish girls, so need some juicy goss!). I even got them to bring some Maggie...so can do Maggie Mee Goreng! We ll find some place to buy eggs...to make the mata kerbau!
I hope one of them is proactive enough to bring the Malaysian flag...i couldnt stuff my 2 m long flag in my bag!
Anyways the party sounds happening, although most people i ve asked came back dissapointed. So i am there to find out...
This is gonna be a fun weekend! Postings up next week perhaps...well i havent even been doing much anyways!

Rotterdam Port, one of the biggest and busiest ports in the world.
Erasmus Bridge, linking the North and South of Rotterdam.

One of the crazy architectures in Rotterdam, the Cubic Houses
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Clau's birthday...
"Oh Bonnie, you're awesome!! You're simply amazing..." Claudia howled as she was stradling on me from the back. Tathiana could only look back at us, as she was hurrying up as well.
Coming to the spot at the same time, i put Clau down...breathing heavily after such a rigorous workout in the wee hours of the morning, perspiring profusely...i said in one breathe,
"Next time i am not gonna carry you on my back whenever you're drunk and we're chasing the bus!"
That was the first time we actually had a long chat, after both agreeing that the music in the club which Eva held her farewell party played 50's and 60's music...wow...i sooo can groove to that beat i tell you!
But anyways...that was about a month back...this entry is about the coolest party so far that i've attended (read: trainee friends that we're all close with). Too bad Sandra couldnt make it cuz her stomach couldnt 'stomach' Ding Dong a day earlier (she even missed work). I mean i didnt know chinese food was that dangerous...wait till they go to Murni's or any mamak, roaches FLYING and CRAWLING around, rats bigger than cats, cats and dogs scraping for left overs...!
Anyways...this is merely the teaser. Get over to my spanking new baby, bonniearthur.blinklife.com to check out the party, pics and more sardonic wits!

Was Portuguese-tart really drunk that night??? Click on bonniearthur.blinklife.com to find out!
Wonders of "quittung"
On a separate note, i was finally introduced to the Regional Coordinator colleague of mine which is based in Miami, Florida. I actually wanted to go for this position, but the idea of being in Miami, surrounded by majority of hot chicks who only wears thongs, wild night scenes, crazy heat, beautiful beaches, did i mention hot chicks...well it didnt really suit me (who am i kidding...!)
As for the coordinator fellow, he is from Brazil and has the coolest accent (he sings as he speaks)! He kinda gets irritated if we teased him about it...although in a good natured way. But anyways i got pretty connected with him...and the fact that he is here on a 'business trip', whereby any expenses would be reimbursed, as long as he produces a receipt (quittung in German)! So what some more, i parasite him la, telling him this really expensive and sedap, i mean really nice and good food place called Tacos. As it was just before Clau's party, we decided to eat first before we just go there and got nothing to eat.
While in Tacos, besides having a super hot waitress taking our orders (for food, not other orders), we ordered a dish called THE BIG STARTERS PLATE. This was how it looked...

Huge rib, quesadillas (mexican poh piah, sedap habis!), buffalo wings, salad, nachos, country potatoes, potatoes...
Ok now head to bonniearthur.blinklife.com!
Coming to the spot at the same time, i put Clau down...breathing heavily after such a rigorous workout in the wee hours of the morning, perspiring profusely...i said in one breathe,
"Next time i am not gonna carry you on my back whenever you're drunk and we're chasing the bus!"
That was the first time we actually had a long chat, after both agreeing that the music in the club which Eva held her farewell party played 50's and 60's music...wow...i sooo can groove to that beat i tell you!
But anyways...that was about a month back...this entry is about the coolest party so far that i've attended (read: trainee friends that we're all close with). Too bad Sandra couldnt make it cuz her stomach couldnt 'stomach' Ding Dong a day earlier (she even missed work). I mean i didnt know chinese food was that dangerous...wait till they go to Murni's or any mamak, roaches FLYING and CRAWLING around, rats bigger than cats, cats and dogs scraping for left overs...!
Anyways...this is merely the teaser. Get over to my spanking new baby, bonniearthur.blinklife.com to check out the party, pics and more sardonic wits!

Was Portuguese-tart really drunk that night??? Click on bonniearthur.blinklife.com to find out!
Wonders of "quittung"
On a separate note, i was finally introduced to the Regional Coordinator colleague of mine which is based in Miami, Florida. I actually wanted to go for this position, but the idea of being in Miami, surrounded by majority of hot chicks who only wears thongs, wild night scenes, crazy heat, beautiful beaches, did i mention hot chicks...well it didnt really suit me (who am i kidding...!)
As for the coordinator fellow, he is from Brazil and has the coolest accent (he sings as he speaks)! He kinda gets irritated if we teased him about it...although in a good natured way. But anyways i got pretty connected with him...and the fact that he is here on a 'business trip', whereby any expenses would be reimbursed, as long as he produces a receipt (quittung in German)! So what some more, i parasite him la, telling him this really expensive and sedap, i mean really nice and good food place called Tacos. As it was just before Clau's party, we decided to eat first before we just go there and got nothing to eat.
While in Tacos, besides having a super hot waitress taking our orders (for food, not other orders), we ordered a dish called THE BIG STARTERS PLATE. This was how it looked...

Huge rib, quesadillas (mexican poh piah, sedap habis!), buffalo wings, salad, nachos, country potatoes, potatoes...
Ok now head to bonniearthur.blinklife.com!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Recruitment ad....
I am big on looking at recruitment ads (especially during those buah anggur/menganggur/jobless days), and am always bored to the death with all the ones i see in newspapers and classifieds. If i were given the task of doing a recruitment ad, i ll take all those ads i see in the newspapers/classifieds, tear it up and burn it down...to come up with something eye catching, creative and definitely FUNNY!
I just have to post this (as i am not in the mood to post anything else) as i find it as one of the most creative and innovative recruitment placements i've seen. It totally reminds me of the gem the people at Google did for their niche recruitment ad(http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2004/07/warning-we-brake-for-number-theory.html).
The ad is by Mind Valley Labs (continuing from the previous post raving about them!). Quite a gem too!
I just have to post this (as i am not in the mood to post anything else) as i find it as one of the most creative and innovative recruitment placements i've seen. It totally reminds me of the gem the people at Google did for their niche recruitment ad(http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2004/07/warning-we-brake-for-number-theory.html).
The ad is by Mind Valley Labs (continuing from the previous post raving about them!). Quite a gem too!
MindValley Labs
Web Application Developers for American Startup Developing New Web TechnologiesWe don't care if you already have a job, have made your first million or happen to be several time zones out of KL - if you're the type of programmer that truly considers yourself brilliant and one-of-a-kind - Let's Talk.
MindValley has set up MindValley Labs, an MSC status development center in KL and over the next year will be launching 2 new web applications, a book and several million-dollar ecommerce sites. We're one of the most innovative and creative startups in Malaysia and are seeking bright minds from around the world to join our team.If you're a top knotch programmer, web developer, ecommerce expert or content developer, we'd like to meet you, show you what we're working on, and give you the option to quit your current job and work on some of the most exciting internet projects coming out of Malaysia.We're launching 3 New Products this Year and Need More Brilliant People on Board our team.With MindValley you'll work in a tight team of marketers, product developers, and innovators. You'll work on exciting new products that aspire to be tomorrow's talked about Internet applicationsDo You...Consider PHP your "mother-tongue"?
Get so addicted to a programming project that you went 2 days without sleeping?
Consider people "un-datable" if they don't know HTML?
Get complaints from your family that you spend way too much time on the Internet?
Let relational databases get in the way of real-life relationships?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above - we'd love to meet you.
Why MindValley Labs?
We're a fully profitable MSC Status startup, originally founded in the USA and now setting up in Malaysia.You'll be working under Michael Reining, the former Head of New Venture Strategy for eBay and one of the brightest mind from Silicon Valley. Michael was strategic advisor to Meg Whitman and the person who got eBay to move into the classifieds market with it's investment in Craigslist.org and into the communications market with it's acquisition of Skype for $4.2 Billion.You'll also be working with Vishen Lakhiani, one of Malaysia's top ecommerce consultants whose book "The MindValley Way: 40 Tactic to Boost Your Site Conversion" will go on sale on Mar 24.At MindValley we invent and spin-off cool, new web applications. We pride ourselves in being a self-funded, Edison-style laboratory fueled by bright minds. Our creativity and business style allows us to attract talented people from around the world. Our company is 30% Malaysian, 30% American and the rest includes people from Finland, Holland, Estonia, Poland and other countries.We're a small team with some pretty big goals and even bigger ambitions.
Requirements:At our lab you'll be responsible for working on our "Blink" suite of Web 2.0 applications. We're experimenting with inventing entirely new applications and re-inventing old products into shiny new cutting edge tools. Our sites include BlinkList.com and BlinkLife.com. The latter is a new take on personal communication, and seeks to replace email as the personal communication tool of choice for millions of people.Our weapons of choice are PHP, MySQL and Ajax and we apply a lot of code re-use and best practices from the Web 2.0 community.
The ideal candidate will have strong PHP skills, Solid Object Oriented Programming Experience and strong programming fundamentals.Everyting else can be learned.Skills Preferred - If you have these you are a great match.Object Oriented PHP, MySQL, HTML, XML, Web Design, Advanced Database Design, Advanced SQL Knowledge, Object Oriented Javascript
Optional Skills - these will improve your odds of being accepted.Javascript, UI Design, Perl, Knowledge of Google and Amazon.com APIs, Advanced CSS Skills, Knowledge of Testing Methodology, Framework Development and Improvement
Are You a Match for MindValley?
The ideal candidate has a combination of these five personality traits:
1. Intense Drive and Ambition.
2. High Creativity and the Mind of an Inventor.
3. A Solid Interest in Technology
4. Strong Skills in Programming and/or Database Design
5. The Ability to Create Beautiful, Elegant User Experiences.
You gain bonus points if any of the following describes you:
1. You've written your own internet or desktop apps and shared this on the Web with the General Public.
2. You have made money through your website, through selling your own internet apps or through your own IT related consulting business.
3. You constantly check out new internet startups, mashups, and blogs to learn about the latest Ajax, CSS, API releases and JavaScript hacks.
4. You were considered one of the brightest kids in High School/University
.5. You speak fluent English.
6. You look at websites and think "this sucks, I could re-design this site to make it more elegant, friendly and easier to use".
7. You love challenging authority, are not afraid to question your boss and look down on average programmers.
We don't care about your field of study, grades, age or work experience as long as you're a brilliant coder, hyper creative and a team player. (although we have found a strong positive correlation between grades and coding ability).You must speak English - fluently. No other languages necessary. Although we're based in Malaysia our market is strictly North American, Europe, and East Asia.You can be from anywhere in the world. We recruit bright people from universities worldwide and bring them to KL. Our company 70% international, and 30% Malaysian.
You must be in love with the Internet. No we don't mean, reading the news online daily. We mean you must be excited and up to speed with the latest emerging trends in Web 2.0, Ajax, PHP, RSS, OPML and other new buzzwords making their way through the Net.Bonus points if you're an avid user of eBay, Craigslist, BlinkList, Del.icio.us, Digg, or are an active Blogger. Major bonus points if you like hanging out at Mamak's, debating User Interface over pints of Beer, going on team bonding trips to Redang and have a wicked sense of humor.
You can see some profiles of people who work for MindValley on our site here:<"http://www.mindvalley.com/about/">
Your Perks
If you make our team, we'll provide you a high-end laptop you can take home, a dedicated server, all the sugary, caffeinated beverages you need, a docking bay for your iPod and a beautiful office. You'll work in a Silicon Valley style environment with amazing people from around the world, and help us build the next great Internet business.We'll also pay you competitively plus grant you stock options.This is the job software engineers dream about.
Upgrade Your Life and Join MindValley.Interview invitations and status updates may be sent via email so pleasecheck your email regularly.
Need More Reasons to Quit Your Current Job and Work for Us?
Here's Top 10 Reasons to Be Part of MindValley.
1. Freedom: We understand that brilliant people hate rules and shackles and desire the freedom to do their work, in their way. We let you create your own work hours as long as they are fine with your team mates.
2. Thinking BIG!: We're not aiming to create an email software, we're aiming to create the biggest revolution in email since Gmail. We're not content with creating blogging tools, we aim to create the World's first "intelligent" blog. When we build an e-commerce site, we aim to put it in the top 1% of sites for performance rates. We aim to be as influential in improving people's lives through technology as Yahoo, Google or Apple. We love Big, Scary, Audacious Goals. Many people say we're nuts. We consider this a compliment.
3. Profitability: We're fully profitable, and continue to see our profits grow by at least 100% year-to-year.
4. Great People: We hire only the best. For a typical position we shift through 100 resumes and interview at least 10 people. Make it in, and you'll be working with some of the best minds in the business. We understand that "A" people attract "A" people.
5. Treats: We treat our employees well. This includes occasional concert tickets, Starbucks coffee, dinners and drinks and parties. In the last quarter we've tossed company parties in Luna Bar, taken our whole team to first Tioman then Redang and rewarded employees with trips to Bali. Our founders have worked at Microsoft and eBay and believe in the Silicon Valley model of treating Great People (see #4) in Great Ways.
6. Creativity: We let you spend 15% of your time each week working on your own projects or inventions. If your project is successful, we'll help you launch it. We've modeled this after Google and 3M's style of nurturing creativity within the organization.
7. Stability: We've never taken a drop of investment and so have no investors to pull the plug on us. Our business also spans multiple industries such as internet marketing, product development, publishing and coding. This protects us from short term market trends in any one industry.
8. Fun: We put the "Fun" in "Business Fundamentals". Don't get us wrong - we're a disciplined, well-oiled engine of growth. But we believe that business should be fun and people should look forward to going to work each day.
9.Idealism: 100% of our employees have spent significant time volunteering or working for non-profits. We started this business to change the world. As a result, we will devote our time and attention to causes that may not bring in short term profits, but may result in positive social change.
10. Entrepreneurship: We understand that great people dream of starting their own companies. We help you attain this dream. We provide training and mentorship to help you grow. We do not require any employees to sign a bonding contract (we find this practice ridiculous). Simply, put, you're free to learn from us and then move on when you're ready and start your own business - with our blessings. We respect entrepreneurship.
Care to Know What People are Saying About Us?
Okay, if you've read this far we know you're interested. Do some reading on us and then send us your resume. (See HOW TO APPLY section below).
On working for MindValley:One of our former employees from the USA blogs about the fun she had working for us in KL. Read her blog post here:http://adelle.nomadlife.org/2005/09/mindvalley-team-island-escape-kl-city.aspx
Product Reviews: Visit this link for a Review of our First Product, BlinkList:http://blendededu.com/2005/07/blinklist-learning-in-blink-of-eye.htmlOr click here for dozens more reviews from theBlogosphere here:http://www.blinklist.com/tag/blinklist%20reviews/
A MindValley Owned Ecommerce Site that is now pulling $2.5 million ringgit a year in revenue and relies on just one employee to run.
This is our speciality - high performance online stores that run on autopilot.
We're releasing a book on this in March. http://www.SilvaUltraMindSystem.comBlinkLife -
A New Way to Communicate with Friends and Family This product is designed to change the way the world communicates. It relies on the idea of using RSS to replace SMTP as a method of email delivery.Read about it here:http://www.blinklife.com/Vic_Code_Ver1.0/welcome.phpFinally, check out our site for more details: www.MindValley.com
How to Apply To apply, submit your resume and cover letter via JobStreet.com.
To improve your odds of being accepted, answer the following in your cover letter.
1. Why do you think MindValley is a Good Match for You.
2. Why do you consider yourself a Brilliant Coder. (don't be modest now).
Qualified candidates will be contacted for interview.
We look forward to receiving applications from qualified Candidates.
Vishen M Lakhiani Co-Founder and Director www.MindValley.com
PS - if you find this ad funny, interesting or unusual, please help us spread the word by posting this on your blog or website and emailing your friends about this position. We'll love you to bits and you just might help someone find a dream job.Email to Friends Company Profile View All Jobs Save This Job Close
Web Application Developers for American Startup Developing New Web TechnologiesWe don't care if you already have a job, have made your first million or happen to be several time zones out of KL - if you're the type of programmer that truly considers yourself brilliant and one-of-a-kind - Let's Talk.
MindValley has set up MindValley Labs, an MSC status development center in KL and over the next year will be launching 2 new web applications, a book and several million-dollar ecommerce sites. We're one of the most innovative and creative startups in Malaysia and are seeking bright minds from around the world to join our team.If you're a top knotch programmer, web developer, ecommerce expert or content developer, we'd like to meet you, show you what we're working on, and give you the option to quit your current job and work on some of the most exciting internet projects coming out of Malaysia.We're launching 3 New Products this Year and Need More Brilliant People on Board our team.With MindValley you'll work in a tight team of marketers, product developers, and innovators. You'll work on exciting new products that aspire to be tomorrow's talked about Internet applicationsDo You...Consider PHP your "mother-tongue"?
Get so addicted to a programming project that you went 2 days without sleeping?
Consider people "un-datable" if they don't know HTML?
Get complaints from your family that you spend way too much time on the Internet?
Let relational databases get in the way of real-life relationships?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above - we'd love to meet you.
Why MindValley Labs?
We're a fully profitable MSC Status startup, originally founded in the USA and now setting up in Malaysia.You'll be working under Michael Reining, the former Head of New Venture Strategy for eBay and one of the brightest mind from Silicon Valley. Michael was strategic advisor to Meg Whitman and the person who got eBay to move into the classifieds market with it's investment in Craigslist.org and into the communications market with it's acquisition of Skype for $4.2 Billion.You'll also be working with Vishen Lakhiani, one of Malaysia's top ecommerce consultants whose book "The MindValley Way: 40 Tactic to Boost Your Site Conversion" will go on sale on Mar 24.At MindValley we invent and spin-off cool, new web applications. We pride ourselves in being a self-funded, Edison-style laboratory fueled by bright minds. Our creativity and business style allows us to attract talented people from around the world. Our company is 30% Malaysian, 30% American and the rest includes people from Finland, Holland, Estonia, Poland and other countries.We're a small team with some pretty big goals and even bigger ambitions.
Requirements:At our lab you'll be responsible for working on our "Blink" suite of Web 2.0 applications. We're experimenting with inventing entirely new applications and re-inventing old products into shiny new cutting edge tools. Our sites include BlinkList.com and BlinkLife.com. The latter is a new take on personal communication, and seeks to replace email as the personal communication tool of choice for millions of people.Our weapons of choice are PHP, MySQL and Ajax and we apply a lot of code re-use and best practices from the Web 2.0 community.
The ideal candidate will have strong PHP skills, Solid Object Oriented Programming Experience and strong programming fundamentals.Everyting else can be learned.Skills Preferred - If you have these you are a great match.Object Oriented PHP, MySQL, HTML, XML, Web Design, Advanced Database Design, Advanced SQL Knowledge, Object Oriented Javascript
Optional Skills - these will improve your odds of being accepted.Javascript, UI Design, Perl, Knowledge of Google and Amazon.com APIs, Advanced CSS Skills, Knowledge of Testing Methodology, Framework Development and Improvement
Are You a Match for MindValley?
The ideal candidate has a combination of these five personality traits:
1. Intense Drive and Ambition.
2. High Creativity and the Mind of an Inventor.
3. A Solid Interest in Technology
4. Strong Skills in Programming and/or Database Design
5. The Ability to Create Beautiful, Elegant User Experiences.
You gain bonus points if any of the following describes you:
1. You've written your own internet or desktop apps and shared this on the Web with the General Public.
2. You have made money through your website, through selling your own internet apps or through your own IT related consulting business.
3. You constantly check out new internet startups, mashups, and blogs to learn about the latest Ajax, CSS, API releases and JavaScript hacks.
4. You were considered one of the brightest kids in High School/University
.5. You speak fluent English.
6. You look at websites and think "this sucks, I could re-design this site to make it more elegant, friendly and easier to use".
7. You love challenging authority, are not afraid to question your boss and look down on average programmers.
We don't care about your field of study, grades, age or work experience as long as you're a brilliant coder, hyper creative and a team player. (although we have found a strong positive correlation between grades and coding ability).You must speak English - fluently. No other languages necessary. Although we're based in Malaysia our market is strictly North American, Europe, and East Asia.You can be from anywhere in the world. We recruit bright people from universities worldwide and bring them to KL. Our company 70% international, and 30% Malaysian.
You must be in love with the Internet. No we don't mean, reading the news online daily. We mean you must be excited and up to speed with the latest emerging trends in Web 2.0, Ajax, PHP, RSS, OPML and other new buzzwords making their way through the Net.Bonus points if you're an avid user of eBay, Craigslist, BlinkList, Del.icio.us, Digg, or are an active Blogger. Major bonus points if you like hanging out at Mamak's, debating User Interface over pints of Beer, going on team bonding trips to Redang and have a wicked sense of humor.
You can see some profiles of people who work for MindValley on our site here:<"http://www.mindvalley.com/about/">
Your Perks
If you make our team, we'll provide you a high-end laptop you can take home, a dedicated server, all the sugary, caffeinated beverages you need, a docking bay for your iPod and a beautiful office. You'll work in a Silicon Valley style environment with amazing people from around the world, and help us build the next great Internet business.We'll also pay you competitively plus grant you stock options.This is the job software engineers dream about.
Upgrade Your Life and Join MindValley.Interview invitations and status updates may be sent via email so pleasecheck your email regularly.
Need More Reasons to Quit Your Current Job and Work for Us?
Here's Top 10 Reasons to Be Part of MindValley.
1. Freedom: We understand that brilliant people hate rules and shackles and desire the freedom to do their work, in their way. We let you create your own work hours as long as they are fine with your team mates.
2. Thinking BIG!: We're not aiming to create an email software, we're aiming to create the biggest revolution in email since Gmail. We're not content with creating blogging tools, we aim to create the World's first "intelligent" blog. When we build an e-commerce site, we aim to put it in the top 1% of sites for performance rates. We aim to be as influential in improving people's lives through technology as Yahoo, Google or Apple. We love Big, Scary, Audacious Goals. Many people say we're nuts. We consider this a compliment.
3. Profitability: We're fully profitable, and continue to see our profits grow by at least 100% year-to-year.
4. Great People: We hire only the best. For a typical position we shift through 100 resumes and interview at least 10 people. Make it in, and you'll be working with some of the best minds in the business. We understand that "A" people attract "A" people.
5. Treats: We treat our employees well. This includes occasional concert tickets, Starbucks coffee, dinners and drinks and parties. In the last quarter we've tossed company parties in Luna Bar, taken our whole team to first Tioman then Redang and rewarded employees with trips to Bali. Our founders have worked at Microsoft and eBay and believe in the Silicon Valley model of treating Great People (see #4) in Great Ways.
6. Creativity: We let you spend 15% of your time each week working on your own projects or inventions. If your project is successful, we'll help you launch it. We've modeled this after Google and 3M's style of nurturing creativity within the organization.
7. Stability: We've never taken a drop of investment and so have no investors to pull the plug on us. Our business also spans multiple industries such as internet marketing, product development, publishing and coding. This protects us from short term market trends in any one industry.
8. Fun: We put the "Fun" in "Business Fundamentals". Don't get us wrong - we're a disciplined, well-oiled engine of growth. But we believe that business should be fun and people should look forward to going to work each day.
9.Idealism: 100% of our employees have spent significant time volunteering or working for non-profits. We started this business to change the world. As a result, we will devote our time and attention to causes that may not bring in short term profits, but may result in positive social change.
10. Entrepreneurship: We understand that great people dream of starting their own companies. We help you attain this dream. We provide training and mentorship to help you grow. We do not require any employees to sign a bonding contract (we find this practice ridiculous). Simply, put, you're free to learn from us and then move on when you're ready and start your own business - with our blessings. We respect entrepreneurship.
Care to Know What People are Saying About Us?
Okay, if you've read this far we know you're interested. Do some reading on us and then send us your resume. (See HOW TO APPLY section below).
On working for MindValley:One of our former employees from the USA blogs about the fun she had working for us in KL. Read her blog post here:http://adelle.nomadlife.org/2005/09/mindvalley-team-island-escape-kl-city.aspx
Product Reviews: Visit this link for a Review of our First Product, BlinkList:http://blendededu.com/2005/07/blinklist-learning-in-blink-of-eye.htmlOr click here for dozens more reviews from theBlogosphere here:http://www.blinklist.com/tag/blinklist%20reviews/
A MindValley Owned Ecommerce Site that is now pulling $2.5 million ringgit a year in revenue and relies on just one employee to run.
This is our speciality - high performance online stores that run on autopilot.
We're releasing a book on this in March. http://www.SilvaUltraMindSystem.comBlinkLife -
A New Way to Communicate with Friends and Family This product is designed to change the way the world communicates. It relies on the idea of using RSS to replace SMTP as a method of email delivery.Read about it here:http://www.blinklife.com/Vic_Code_Ver1.0/welcome.phpFinally, check out our site for more details: www.MindValley.com
How to Apply To apply, submit your resume and cover letter via JobStreet.com.
To improve your odds of being accepted, answer the following in your cover letter.
1. Why do you think MindValley is a Good Match for You.
2. Why do you consider yourself a Brilliant Coder. (don't be modest now).
Qualified candidates will be contacted for interview.
We look forward to receiving applications from qualified Candidates.
Vishen M Lakhiani Co-Founder and Director www.MindValley.com
PS - if you find this ad funny, interesting or unusual, please help us spread the word by posting this on your blog or website and emailing your friends about this position. We'll love you to bits and you just might help someone find a dream job.Email to Friends Company Profile View All Jobs Save This Job Close
Friday, July 07, 2006
Portuguese Tart is back!!
Ok before anyone decide to think that i am one of those "hot like chicken shit" (hangat hangat tahi ayam) type when it comes to bloggin and decide to not check my site anymore, hold on to your mouse! Was really busy heading towards the end of June as i had to organize a major event. It was the Networking Event between the MBA Interns (of which i am coordinator for the program), managers and HR which was also a matter of do or die mission for me (i really thought i would be the first trainee fired if the event sucks). And because of this i also wasnt able to really experience the little football competition which ironically is organized here in Germany (ok i sound like i dont know nuts bout football).
Anyways more about the event and also the World Cup later, but i have a pretty cool entry about my trip to Berlin, with heaps of pics in it as well in a new link. This new site is simply awesome, especially the ease of putting up pics, videos (i ve got to learn that though) and acts more than just a blogging site. Importantly, this one is developed by brilliant people in MALAYSIA!!! Now thats reasons to screaming "Malaysia Boleh!!!" rather than doing it when people start making the longest poh piah, biggest roti canai etc...
Developed by the innovative minds at MindValley Labs, its BlinkLife (www.blinklife.com) and its a super cool way of keeping in touch! Like what the website boasts, its gonna be the next generation of Emails! Its capacity humbles even Google mail (think its over 100gigs), spam free plus you re able to send pics and videos simply by uploading it to your own site, without attaching anything! This reason alone is why i shift major posts (which has heaps of pics and videos) to this site. So check it out at http://bonniearthur.blinklife.com/
And additional info about this company, which is AIESEC related...is that they have definitely set the benchmark in terms of being a QUALITY customer of the AIESEC Internship program! Set up by a former LCP in the States, they are dedicated in bringing in top quality interns from all over the world, provides them with top notch working conditions and really treats the interns as part of their small family! Definitely a pleasure knowing many people there, and no....i am not expecting any cheque from the MindValley Labs Finance dept for this mini promotion. *winks* Its the least i could do... ;)
But stay tuned here...think blogspot will serve as my primary blogging tool for the time being.
Anyways more about the event and also the World Cup later, but i have a pretty cool entry about my trip to Berlin, with heaps of pics in it as well in a new link. This new site is simply awesome, especially the ease of putting up pics, videos (i ve got to learn that though) and acts more than just a blogging site. Importantly, this one is developed by brilliant people in MALAYSIA!!! Now thats reasons to screaming "Malaysia Boleh!!!" rather than doing it when people start making the longest poh piah, biggest roti canai etc...
Developed by the innovative minds at MindValley Labs, its BlinkLife (www.blinklife.com) and its a super cool way of keeping in touch! Like what the website boasts, its gonna be the next generation of Emails! Its capacity humbles even Google mail (think its over 100gigs), spam free plus you re able to send pics and videos simply by uploading it to your own site, without attaching anything! This reason alone is why i shift major posts (which has heaps of pics and videos) to this site. So check it out at http://bonniearthur.blinklife.com/
And additional info about this company, which is AIESEC related...is that they have definitely set the benchmark in terms of being a QUALITY customer of the AIESEC Internship program! Set up by a former LCP in the States, they are dedicated in bringing in top quality interns from all over the world, provides them with top notch working conditions and really treats the interns as part of their small family! Definitely a pleasure knowing many people there, and no....i am not expecting any cheque from the MindValley Labs Finance dept for this mini promotion. *winks* Its the least i could do... ;)
But stay tuned here...think blogspot will serve as my primary blogging tool for the time being.
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