You know about the many stories former or current trainees tell you about...the one where theres heaps of parties to attend. Well...lets just say it so damn true! Theres just so many that its inevitable that sometimes you need to take a break from them, learn how to say no...or just dont show up at all! Parties too can sometimes be sooo monotonous, ie drinks, dancing, see who makes out with who, etc.
Well this entry is about parties that stands out! Its a rare and amazing gem that has everything a really good party should have, besides the usual and the fact that everyone who is everyone are all there. So rare that the moment the first promo mail is sent, hype surrounds it like how bees to pollen. So amazing that you party the whole Saturday night and you spend the whole Sunday raving about it!

This party was held 2 Saturdays ago and it was organized by the PORTUGUESE SPEAKING trainee community. Notice the highlight as I for one am not taking credit for it...simply because i wasnt part of the organizing committee (OC)....simply because despite what its worth, my Portuguese blood (all 2% of it) doesnt qualify me automatically! So all Brazilians (last count was 4) and all Portuguese (2) trainees were the Ocs, hyping up the event two weeks before, preparing traditional food, drinks, music etc. As for me...despite having a Brazilian colleague working a backhand slap distance from where i sit...knowing full well I would be coming and all...I had to still provide an RSVP confirming my attendance! The travesty!! My ancestors would have turned in their graves! It made a mockery out of my 2%!

The party was also a house warming event for Portuguese Paula...baptizing the most coolest crib i ve seen for some time, all pimped up with Ikea juice! She probably set the bar up there in terms of having your own apartment!
With the crib all decked out in Portuguese and Brazilian colours...the mood was set! Music at full blast...smell of traditional food baking in the the inevitable lemon (some say lime) smell from making caipirinhas...soon everyone came in droves. Last count was a good 50 people in Paulas place.
The atmosphere was simply amazing...alcohol was in abundance (not that I was soooo into it)...much rapport happening...the occasional 3 or 4 people already showing their low tolerance to alcohol rather soon! First person passed out at about 10pm...!

Party people
Random funny moments include this Romanian dude who got really wasted...tried to dance with every single GIRL he could get his hands on only to be rejected! Poor Phillipina Jennie Lee had to scurried off as she was grabbed from behind by this dude! Out of desperation, he was left dancing alone with a Scrat…from Ice Age!
Scrat and his Caipirinha

ME and the nights "hotties"
Another scene happened nearing the end of the party, when an elderly couple arrived unannounced. As the host was already into her hour mark stuck in the toilet...we were confused as who do this group belong too. They began asking for drinks, we politely obliged, soon 4 other random people arrived. Then it hit us that these were random party crashers! Apparently the excuse one elderly miss gave for being there was that she was looking for her husband (she actually searched in the balcony even!)!
I’ve learnt a few things…you know it’s a great party when;
- Hype surrounds the promo
- Ppl passing out by 10…followed by the HOST a couple of hours later
- Scrat was even having a caipirinha!
- People arrive unannounced…then more random ppl arriving on the pretext of searching for spouses.
- Ppl actually staying back to clean up…gestures of appreciation I presume.
- You spend the whole Sunday raving bout Saturday’s party.