"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...
London Bridge is falling down...my fair Lady"
While it will never ever happen...but for many Malaysians that would probably be the first time ever they're introduced to London and its famous bridge. For me, the city has captured my imagination ever since that song...plus the country has always been a reference to all the books that i ve read and loved (from Robin Hood to King Arthur, from Brer Rabbit to Mr Meddler, from FHM UK to Maxim UK). Plus i absolutely love Brit Pop and rock...Also my all time fav shopping place was Topshop, based in London. Not to mention being an addict to the English Premier League...thanks to it i ve widen my geographical knowledge of England!

Today, in a few hours time will mark the first time i am going to visit London...ok to be more exact England...but London will be on Friday. Nevertheless i ve never been more excited about a trip such as this...am brimming with anticipation here! I remember once sharing with good friend Petrina back in uni days of how one day i am gonna walk in London...shop in Topshop while wearing a trench coat and having a scown while sipping tea! Oh boy...its sooo materialising siall!!! Trench coat and all!!
And making it possible is Dee...(thanks sooo much!), living near Nottingham (area of my ultimate childhood hero...Robin Locksley from the Hood, like literally the Hood!). So its gonna be fantastic...i ve got my itinary planned, meeting some other friends as well...its good to go!

From the famed Underground to Buckingham Palace, from Westminster Abbey to Number 10 Downing Street, from Big Ben to the River Thames...i ve heard it all....now i am gonna be there!!

So...i ve got my Big Ben (hahahah!!) and i ve got a fair Lady being my tour guide in London Bridge...awesemmm!!!

Hi Parasite,
Do you mean to say 'scone' instead of 'scown'? or maybe you mean it literally?
Seems you are enjoying yourself to the fullest there. Happy for you my fren.
Hahaha YES you know I never realised how similar Malaysians and Aussies are in some ways, we have SO much colonial background in common! Have a "scown" for me! :)
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