Friday, November 09, 2007

Melbourne posts (part 1)

First and foremost, I personally dont like to fly MAS (especially after what happened to my cousin, a former lead stewardess - she was let go of her job for being pregnant with her 3rd child). However, its the company's policy to do so, and you would think I shant be complaining as it'll be in business class right? WRONG! I've complained more than enough, but you hear it from me...SIA is wayyy better! For the trip to Melbourne, the food has seen better days, entertainment seems to be on par with Astro's B-grade movie channels, plus the systems color and brightness was wayy off, the seat was not long enough (but I dont blame it for attempting to rest my 6 feet 1 frame) and one of the steward has this attitude problem that I didnt bother asking him for anything. Alas, they really need to depend on the satay to save their blushes! Now THAT could even give Haji Samuri a run for his...err, satay!


Its springtime in Melbourne. With really good weather too!

That means sunny days with chilly winds, just the way I like my weather! Reminds me a lot of Bonn / Europe. Theres something about being in the cold and sipping a perfectly brewed hot chocolate, you really feel the liquid warming your chilled body, from the mouth to the tummy!

I arrived just in time for a huge national event, albeit it being in Melbourne. Called the Melbourne Cup, its an extravaganza of high fashion, free flowing champagne, legal bettings, elegant hats on posh women, heaps of food, super A list celebs...all centered around a HORSE RACE! Nah beh!
Its so big that its a public holiday here! They call it "The race that stopes the nation". I call it "Like the Oscars, with the Horses"!
I got up early (or tried too) to catch whats the fuss about. It lasted over 8 hours with each race not more than 3 minutes long! Crazyyyy!!!

On the downside of things...I got up with a fever on that holiday! And to make things worst, when I contacted my cousin who is studying over here...he said he was attending JT's concert at the Rod Laver Arena...where I have a super nice view of it from the hotel room, although not the concert! Now I thought what luck I would be having knowing JT is performing a day after I leave, but who would have known he is performing 3 freakin times! To top off my bad day, my cousin sold the last of his extra ticket a couple of days back! Why JT...why!!! You really want Sexy to come Back to your concerts right?! Sheeshh!


Ok, I love Melbourne!

The garden-like city is primarily the reason. I havent gone out much (thanks to work and the damned fever), but I already see lots of museums, parks and gardens in abundance, lakes, nice Victorian architecture which makes it Europ'ish and ooohhh... a river!!! It is also the sporting and cultural capital of Australia...the Australian Open, the recent Commonwealth Games and many live concerts among the many events happening all year round!

More reasons to move over here...Melbourne was voted "Worlds Most Livable Cities" for 3 years!!

And Aussie chicks are one hot lot...apparently everyone seems to have a nice body, ohh and a super fine pair of legs!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, i saw yesterday in msian news that MAS business class was voted Asia's best business class! maybe someone sabo the polls? or maybe just you-know-who controlling the media?